
Go router designed to bottleneck your high performance problems

Primary LanguageGoBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

Bottleneck Go router

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Bottleneck is a web framework for Go with a focus on convenience over raw performance. Most routers try to be the best by being a few cpu cycles faster or using fewer allocations per request. I'm going to go out on a limb here by saying that in many real world applications and even more so in amateur projects the performance benefits of the faster libraries do not really make a difference.


While working on different ideas involving web and Go I used quite a few of the libraries the community has to offer. All of them did something better than others, but never everything. Bottleneck is the aggregation of things I personally liked.

Context from gin-gonic/gin

Many routers use a pattern that is not compatible with the standard library, but is something I much prefer and first saw in gin. The pattern in question is to use a single "context" instead of *http.Request and http.ResponseWriter and provide some convenience methods on top of it. The advantage is to have lots of utilities available in every handler and to have a slightly shorter function signature.

Error handling from labstack/echo

Most routers define route handlers as functions that do not return anything. That starts to become annoying when you do a lot of if err != nil { return err } and maybe want to handle errors at a centralized place, for example through middleware.

Echo is the first framework I came across that returns an error in every handler and middleware which made it much more pleasant for me to write services.

Mounting subgroups from go-chi/chi

Many routers support grouping of routes, but most of them require them to be defined with the router. This makes defining groups of routes as a separate package a lot harder / less modular. Chi allows groups to be created separately and then be mounted onto a router later.

Bring your own context from gocraft/web

A common pattern for web services is to do some work or checks before a group of routes. This can be achieved with middleware in many of the existing routers, but storing something to be accessed down the chain often requires type assertions. gocraft/web allows you to bring your own context and therefore makes it possible to avoid type assertions by putting that burden on the web framework.

Automatic request unmarshalling

Handling a request is (almost) always the same. Unmarshal and possibly validate a request. Do some work. Marshal a response. Done.

Marshalling a response can be hidden behind the context, but unmarshalling and validating the request always requires some boilerplate at the start of each handler. I want Bottleneck to do that automatically and provide the resulting value as a parameter to handlers.


package main

import (


// Context is a custom context
type Context struct {
	bottleneck.Context        // It must embed bottleneck.Context to be valid
	User               string // Store user during request handling

// AmIRequest is a request definition
type AmIRequest struct {
	Name string `json:"name" validate:"required"`

// AmIResponse is a response definition
type AmIResponse struct {
	Yes bool `json:"yes"`

func main() {
	r := bottleneck.NewRouter(Context{}) // Create a new router
	r.Mount(routes())                    // Mount the routes

	// Start a http server and use the router
	http.ListenAndServe(":8080", r)

// routes creates a group with all /api routes.
func routes() *bottleneck.Group {
	g := bottleneck.NewGroup().WithPrefix("/api")

	// store the current user for handlers
	g.Use(func(ctx *Context, next bottleneck.Next) error {
		user, _, ok := ctx.Request().BasicAuth()
		if !ok {
			return bottleneck.NewError(http.StatusUnauthorized)

		ctx.User = user
		return next()

	// test if the user knows his own name
	g.POST("/test", func(ctx *Context, req *AmIRequest) error {
		return ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, AmIResponse{
			Yes: req.Name == ctx.User,

	return g


Bottleneck utilizes some great packages under the hood:

  1. dimfeld/httptreemux for request routing
  2. go-playground/validator for the default validation implemenation