Transactions in Massively Parallel Environments - A User to User Transaction System in a Shared-Nothing Environment

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION

TiMPE - Transactions in Massively Parallel Environments

TiMPE is a prototype and allows User to User transactions (u2u) using the eventually consitent datastore Crate Data. Users can be reigstered. Via the REST API, a user can issue a new transaction and transfer some of her balance to another users its balance. The application structure fits in a shared-nothing architecture. Meaning, each application node is like any other application node and no centralised application node is required (i.e. no there is no single point of failure).

The transaction system relies on a combination of the append-only-technique, a suitable data model and a multi-phase commit protocol (MPC, see ./docs).

(It shall be mentioned: The project is in research condition. Meaning, it is sparsely documented and not ready for a production setup.)

The service of the app TiMPE is available via the API through http://localhost:9100. Data is exchanged via JSON.

The major part of the prototype is implemented in ./src/timpe/app/transactions/*.

REST API Endpoints:

GET /users
    Returns a list of all registered users.

      'status': 'success',
      'data': [
          'id': 'a-user-id',  // As of now, the sha-1 hash of a user's nickname
          'nickname': 'nickname of a user',
          'balance': 0        // The current balance of a user.
        //, { more users... }
POST /users
    Register a new user.

      'nickname': 'a required nickname',
      'balance' 0           // Initial balance, optional (defaults to 0).
POST /transactions
    Issue a new transaction. This endpoint *does not* initiate the 2. phase
    of the MPC immediately.

      'sender': 'user-id of the sender',
      'recipient': 'user-id of the recipient',
      'amount': 100         // The amount which a sender wants to transfer.
                            // Must be > 0.
POST /transactions/immediately
    Issue a new transaction. Immediately initiates the 2. phase of the MPC.

    'see POST /transactions'

POST /process
    Initialises the 2. phase of the MPC.

    No data required.

The local topology of the individual services looks as follows:

              | haproxy (9100) |
                 |          |
           +-----+          +------+
           |                       |
           v                       v
    +-------------+         +-------------+
    | app  (9210) |         | app2 (9211) |
    +-------------+         +-------------+
           |                       |
           |                       |
           v                       v
:               crate cluster                 :
:                                             :
:  +---------------+       +---------------+  :
:  | crate  (4200) | <---> | crate2 (4201) |  :
:  +---------------+       +---------------+  :
:                                             :

Development Setup & Requirements

Installation setup is optimised for OS X (migrating to *NIX shouldn't be a big problem) - Sorry in advance, if you are not an OS X user :)


Python 2.7

brew install python


port install python


brew install libevent


port install libevent


To install, run the following scripts:

python boostrap.py

followed by:

./bin/buildout -N

In some cases, the Python library reqeusts does not get installed automatically. In such a case, install it manually via:

pip install requests

All needed programs can be started under supervisor control. But, to run supervisor successfully we need to set up some directories first.

mkdir -p var/log/supervisor; mkdir -p var/run

Now you are ready to start the supervisor:


Check the status of the programs:

./bin/supervisorctl status

For debugging the Pyramid app can be started in the foreground. Take care to stop the apps in the supervisor controller, then run:


The crate servers are running on port 4200 and 4201 and the admin interface is reachable at http://localhost:4200/admin.

The status interface for the HAProxy is available at http://localhost:9100/__haproxy_stats

Crate Data Database


To initialize a empty Crate Data database run the command:


If the database has been setup already the script will raise an error but no data will get destroyed.

Clean Up

To reset the crate database to it's initial state run the command:


CAUTION: This command will delete all data!

Test Data

To initialize the Crate Data database with some test data, run the command:


Currently, the test data consists of 4 users (see ./etc/crate_testdata.sh).

Test Framework

Run the test framework with the command:


The setup is done by src/timpe/testing/tests.py. DocTests are located in docs.

Another script one can use is u2u_transactions. It allows a user to issue several transactions (e.g. -t 200 issues 200 new transactions) concurrently (e.g. -c 100 instantiates 100 threads).

./bin/u2u_transactions -i -t 200 -c 100

By default, the script uses the endpoint /transactions. This gives a developer to insert transactions, but the 2. phase of the MPC will be started. The parameter -i uses the endpoint /transactions/immediately and thus, the 2. phase of the MPC is immediately started.

To verify, run the two commands:

echo 'SELECT * FROM users' | ./bin/crash
echo 'SELECT user_id, sum(amount) FROM user_transactions GROUP BY user_id' | bin/crash

CAUTION: .bin/u2u_transactions uses the scripts cleanup, setup and testdata. As a result, all data in the affected tables is lost.


Generate a documentation by running the command


A html document will be generated and moved to out/html/.