
Annotation processor generating serialization and deserialization from Kotlin classes.

Primary LanguageKotlin

kfunnels Release

Generates serialization and unserialization for Kotlin classes via annotation processing. Check out the wiki for more details.

Include in your project

The artifacts are available via JitPack. The runtime (funnelers, sources and sinks) should be linked as a compile dependency, the processor as a kapt dependency. You'll probably want to include Guava, as it's type tokens help kfunnels to automatically infer the type of generic classes like lists.

apply plugin: "kotlin-kapt"

dependencies {
    compile 'com.github.lukashaertel.kfunnels:rt:0.1.0'
    kapt 'com.github.lukashaertel.kfunnels:proc:0.1.0'
    // Include this dependency to support inferring the Type from Guava's TypeToken
    compile 'com.google.guava:guava:23.0'
    // Include this for RxKotlin tools
    compile 'io.reactivex.rxjava2:rxkotlin:2.1.0'
    // Include this for JSON (de)serialization tools.
    compile 'com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-core:2.9.0.pr4'

kapt {
    correctErrorTypes = true

Dependencies to Guava and other libraries are kept optional to publish everything in one artifact without automatically cluttering the build with potentially unwanted depdendencies. Keep in mind that the used versions should be compatible.

Define the data

kfunnels supports primitives, enums, some collection types, variables that are themselves @Funnelable and variables where instances are funnelable at runtime.

 * A simple thing, it is completely terminal
data class Thing(val i: Int, val j: Float)

 * Define an interface
interface Some {}

 * Define an instance of an interface.
data class Left(val i: Int) : Some

 * Define another instance of an interface.
data class Right(val j: Float) : Some

 * A thing that has a "non-terminal" variable type [Some] can be [Left] or [Right].
data class Another(val i: Thing, val s: Some)

 * A container of some items.
data class Container(val items: List<Some?>)

 * A type that has a generic argument.
data class Generic<T>(val item: T)


Read and write using the generated module (with standard type support) or use the Java Service registry to serialize and deserialize the type.

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    // Make a variant of the class with both Left and Right as an argument
    val itemLeft = Another(Thing(1, 3.4f), Left(3))
    val itemRight = Another(Thing(1, 3.4f), Right(4.5f))

    // Print the items for comparison

    // Sequence both elements to a list
    val listLeft = ListSink().let {
        // Use the service registry, the .std suffix registers primtive types
        ServiceModule.std.write(it, itemLeft)
    val listRight = ListSink().let {
        ServiceModule.std.write(it, itemRight)

    // Print the lists

    // Read both items back from the list
    val cloneLeft = ServiceModule.std.read<Another>(ListSource(listLeft))
    val cloneRight = ServiceModule.std.read<Another>(ListSource(listRight))

    // Print the clones as well

    // Make a class that uses lists
    val container = Container(listOf(Left(1), Right(2.3f), Left(4), null))

    // Print the original item

    // Sequence into list
    val listContainer = ListSink().let {
        ServiceModule.std.write(it, container)

    // Print the output list

    // Read the clone form the list
    val cloneContainer = ServiceModule.std.read<Container>(ListSource(listContainer))

    // Print the clone

    // Make a class that uses generics
    val generic = Generic(100)

    // Print that original item

    // Sequence into list
    val listGeneric = ListSink().let {
        ServiceModule.std.write(it, generic)

    // Print the output list

    // Read the clone form the list
    val cloneGeneric = ServiceModule.std.read<Generic<Int>>(ListSource(listGeneric))

    // Print the clone

    // Get a map of the left item
    val mapLeft = MapSink().let {
        ServiceModule.std.write(it, itemLeft)

    // Print the map

    // Read clone from map
    val cloneLeftByMap = ServiceModule.std.read<Another>(MapSource(mapLeft))

    // Print the clone

    // Print the hash of the container



Check out the android co-repository for a demo app using RxKotlin observables, read from the web, deserialized from JSON, and fed into a nice list.


Another(i=Thing(i=1, j=3.4), s=Left(i=3))
Another(i=Thing(i=1, j=3.4), s=Right(j=4.5))

[BEGIN, BEGIN_NESTED, BEGIN, 1, 3.4, END, END_NESTED, BEGIN_NESTED, eu.metatools.kfunnels.tests.Left, BEGIN, 3, END, END_NESTED, END]
[BEGIN, BEGIN_NESTED, BEGIN, 1, 3.4, END, END_NESTED, BEGIN_NESTED, eu.metatools.kfunnels.tests.Right, BEGIN, 4.5, END, END_NESTED, END]

Another(i=Thing(i=1, j=3.4), s=Left(i=3))
Another(i=Thing(i=1, j=3.4), s=Right(j=4.5))

Container(items=[Left(i=1), Right(j=2.3), Left(i=4), null])

[BEGIN, BEGIN_NESTED, BEGIN, IS_NOT_NULL, BEGIN_NESTED, eu.metatools.kfunnels.tests.Left?, BEGIN, 1, END, END_NESTED, IS_NOT_NULL, BEGIN_NESTED, eu.metatools.kfunnels.tests.Right?, BEGIN, 2.3, END, END_NESTED, IS_NOT_NULL, BEGIN_NESTED, eu.metatools.kfunnels.tests.Left?, BEGIN, 4, END, END_NESTED, IS_NULL, END, END_NESTED, END]

Container(items=[Left(i=1), Right(j=2.3), Left(i=4), null])




{s=Left(i=3), i=Thing(i=1, j=3.4)}

Another(i=Thing(i=1, j=3.4), s=Left(i=3))


Define output and input

Outputs are defined as Sinks. A simple example is the list sink, where all items are stored in a list (with some additional tokens to mark special events). There is also a class SuspendSink that provides the exact same signatures but suspended. The input class Source has matching methods. For nested elements it allows for type substitution, so that an implementation type may be unfunneled instead of an interface.

 * Sink that receives items into a list. Use [reset] to get the list and reset the buffer.
class ListSink : Sink {
    private val list = arrayListOf<Any?>()

    fun reset(): List<Any?> {
        val result = list.toList()
        return result

    override fun begin(type: Type) {
        list += Event.BEGIN

    override fun end(type: Type) {
        list += Event.END

    override fun beginNested(label: String, type: Type, value: Any?): Boolean {
        list += Event.BEGIN_NESTED
        if (!type.isTerminal())
            list += type.forInstance(value)
        return true

    override fun endNested(label: String, type: Type, value: Any?) {
        list += Event.END_NESTED

    override fun putBoolean(label: String, value: Boolean) {
        list += value

    override fun putByte(label: String, value: Byte) {
        list += value

    override fun putShort(label: String, value: Short) {
        list += value

    override fun putInt(label: String, value: Int) {
        list += value

    override fun putLong(label: String, value: Long) {
        list += value

    override fun putFloat(label: String, value: Float) {
        list += value

    override fun putDouble(label: String, value: Double) {
        list += value

    override fun putChar(label: String, value: Char) {
        list += value

    override fun putNull(label: String, isNull: Boolean) {
        if (isNull)
            list += Event.IS_NULL
            list += Event.IS_NOT_NULL

    override fun putUnit(label: String, value: Unit) {
        list += value

    override fun putString(label: String, value: String) {
        list += value