
dynamic version of contour binder

Primary LanguagePython

JSON Likelihoods for ATLAS SUSY sbottom multi-b analysis


The JSON likelihoods are serialized for each signal region: RegionA, RegionB, and RegionC. This is done by providing a background-only workspace containing the signal/control/validation channels for each region at $region/BkgOnly.json as well as patch files for each mass point on the signal phase-space explored in the analysis.

Each jsonpatch file follows the format $region/patch.sbottom_msb_mn2_mn1.json where msb is the mass of the sbottom squark, mn2 is the mass of the second-lightest neutralino, and mn1 is the mass of the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP).

This particular analysis has two mass scenarios. In the associated PUB note, the reproduction of mn1 = 60 GeV is shown. The other mass scenario is where mn2 - mn1 = 130 GeV. To get files for each mass scenario, you can use bash like so:

find . -name "patch.sbottom*.json" | awk -F_ '$3-$4==130 {print $0}'
find . -name "patch.sbottom*.json" | awk -F_ '$4==60 {print $0}'

Producing signal workspaces

As an example, we use python jsonpatch here:

jsonpatch RegionA/BkgOnly.json RegionA/patch.sbottom_1300_850_60.json > RegionA/sbottom_1300_850_60.json

Computing signal workspaces

For example, with pyhf, you can do any of the following:

pyhf cls RegionA/BkgOnly.json -p RegionA/patch.sbottom_1300_850_60.json

jsonpatch RegionA/BkgOnly.json RegionA/patch.sbottom_1300_850_60.json | pyhf cls

pyhf cls RegionA/sbottom_1300_850_60.json