AI Systems on V-LoL-Train

This repository serves as a comprehensive analysis of AI systems' visual logical learning abilities on the V-LoL-Train problem. It includes implementations of various models, including symbolic, neural, and neuro-symbolic approaches, for tackling visual logical reasoning tasks. The available implementations encompass training, cross-validation, and plotting functionalities for the following methods:

  • Symbolic AI: Popper, Aleph
  • Neural AI: ResNet, EfficientNet, Vision Transformer
  • Neuro-Symbolic AI: RCNN-Popper, RCNN-Aleph

By utilizing this repository, researchers can assess and compare the performance of different AI systems on the V-LoL-Train problem, enabling in-depth evaluations of their visual logical reasoning capabilities. The repository allows to conduct the following experiments:

  • evaluation on different V-LoL rules
  • evaluation on different V-LoL visualizations
  • evaluation on different V-LoL sceneries
  • evaluation on different V-LoL train lengths
  • evaluation on different degrees of image noise
  • evaluation on different degrees of perturbed labels
  • evaluation on varying number of training samples
  • test-time interventions

Installation and Setting up docker

We recommend using this repository as a wrapper for the V-Lol-Train dataset generation repository. To do so, please follow the installation below. Alternatively, you can also download the dataset from the official website. In that case you need to adjust the dataset path ds_path in the script parameters and add the dataloader files to the following directory visual-logical-learning/TrainGenerator/michalski_trains. The dataset files can also be found on the official website.

git clone
cd visual-logical-learning
git clone
cd ..
docker build -t v-lol-train .


To run the experiments, please execute the following command:

docker run --gpus device=0 -v $(pwd):/home/workdir v-lol-train python3

Script parameters

The following settings are available, the corresponding input types and default settings are noted in parentheses:

General settings:

  • action (str, train): The action to perform. Possible values are 'train', 'plot'.
  • command (str, train): The command to perform. Possible values are 'train', 'eval', 'ilp', 'ilp_crossval', 'split_ds', 'eval_generalization' or 'ct'.
  • cuda (int, 0): The cuda device to use. If set to -1, the CPU is used.'

For more information on the available settings, please refer to the code.

Implementation details

For Popper we set the hyperparameters to allow for a maximum of 10 rules each allowing a maximum of 6 variables and 6 literals in its body. Predicate finding and recursion are turned off, as we could not observe any performance improvement. For ALEPH we use the following hyperparameters: $clauselength=10$, $minacc=0.6$, $minscore=3$, $minpos=3$, $nodes=5000$, $explore=true$, $max_features=10$. Both ILP systems are trained and evaluated on the a symbolic ground-truths instead of the visual images.

Our subsymbolic models, namely the ResNet, EfficientNet, and Vision Transformer are initialized with the weights of the pre-trained foundation models which was trained on the 1000-class ImageNet dataset. The last fully-connected layer is replaced to fit the two-class classification task of westbound and eastbound trains. Subsequently, the models are transfer trained on the respective datasets for 25 epochs using a batch size of 50 and starting with a learning rate of 0.001 (0.0001 for the Vision Transformer), which decreases by 20% every five epochs. The Adam optimizer is used for updating the models' weights and the cross-entropy loss function for calculating the loss.

For the perceptions modules of the Neuro-Symbolic AI systems, we modify the improved mask-RCNN (v2 version) \cite{li2021benchmarking} to allow for multi-label instance segmentation. For more in depth implementation details please refer to our code. We initialize our model with pre-trained weights for MaskRCNN + ResNet50 + FPN using the v2 variant with post-paper optimizations. We transfer train our model on 10k V-LoL-Train dataset containing random trains. For training we use the AdamW optimizer and cross-entropy loss. After inferring the segmented masked using mask-RCNN we post process these using a mask matching algorithm to assemble a symbolic scene representations. We achieve nearly 100% validation accuracy on the random V-LoL-Train and 99% test accuracy on the Michalski V-LoL-Train. Subsequently, we fit the ILP approaches using the same hyperparameters as in the run of the purely symbolic AI systems. For beam search of $\alpha$ILP we choose a beam size of 70 with a beam depth of 5. We select a maximum of 1000 clauses after search on which we then perform learning for 100 epochs. For TheoryX and the numerical rule we learn a logic program consisting of two rules while for the complex rule we learn 4 rules. For more in depth information on the mode declaration and hyper parameters of $\alpha$ILP, Popper, and Aleph please refer to our code.