
Measure execution times of critical code blocks and expose statistics as actuator metrics

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Coverage Status Build Status Maven Central


Measure execution times of critical code blocks and expose statistics as actuator metrics

Provides a lightweight method to measure runtime of (selected) critical code executions (such as calling external systems) and expose as spring boot actuator metrics.

Howto use




compile 'eu.hinsch:spring-boot-execution-metric:0.2.2'

Use with AOP / Annotations

Expose metric only

public void someAction() {
    // ...

With logging

@ExecutionMetric(value = "some-action", LogLevel = LogLevel.DEBUG)
public void someAction() {
    // ...

The logger will automatically taken from the (implementation) class of the annotated method.

Programatic invocation

// configuration
public ExecutionMetricFactory executionMetricFactory(CounterService gaugeService, GaugeService counterService) {
    return new ExecutionMetricFactory(gaugeService, counterService);

// setup metric stores (once during config)

ExecutorMetric executorMetric = executionMetricFactory.executorMetric("test1", logger);
SupplierMetric supplierMetric = executionMetricFactory.supplierMetric("test2", logger);

// use (on every call)
executorMetric.measure(() -> someAction(...));
SomeValue myValue = supplierMetric.measure(() -> getSomeValue());

The code above will expose the following spring boot actuator metrics entries:

gauge.<name>.last = <last call duration>
gauge.<name>.average = <average call duration>
gauge.<name>.min = <minimum call duration>
gauge.<name>.max = <maximum call duration>
counter.<name> = <number of invocation>