
Open source and free game engine build with C++ and Vulkan.

How to build it

First at all instal xmake. Then download the repo and go to the directory. Run xmake && xmake run.


  • add ASSIMP because cloudious won't stop bitching about it
  • add volk
  • add vma
  • deffered rendering
  • complete PBR stolen from LearnOpenGL
  • add bloom
  • add OIT
  • asset manager
  • deceer cubes loading correctly
  • SSAO
  • C# scripting
  • Coping with Physx unload scenes, change from one scene to another ⦁ add instancing ⦁ add file changed notifications ⦁ add undo function for scale, rotation, translation from ImGUI inputs ⦁ add animated 3D character ⦁ add bloom ⦁ add fog, haze, mist, dust, smoke, vapor, and steam ⦁ add raytracing for AO, lighting, global illumination, and reflections when available on GPU ⦁ add reflections ⦁ add emissive material ⦁ add anti-aliasing ⦁ add global illumination ⦁ add ambient occlusion ⦁ add a skybox ⦁ add shadows ⦁ add a Play button, settings button, the controller configuration, a credits screen, volume & fullscreen settings ⦁ add an orthogonal camera and bring the in-game GUI back online ⦁ create a loading screen and load 3D files in a separate thread