Data stewardship: FAIR Data Science


Experiment Overview

This experiment is used to show the correlation between the yearly climate values and the used energy resources, in the years 1992-2016. The idea is that the climate has an impact on the amount of energy needed. The input data for this experiments is taken for the climate values from data.gv [1] and for the energy resources from Statistik Austria [2].

Run the experiment

To reprocude this experiment the following requirements have to be fullfilled:

  • RStudio Desktop 1.2.1335
  • RStudio requires R 3.0.1+

To run the experiment just run the experiment.R file in RStudio. Make sure that the working directory is properly configured, by setting in the RStudio menu:

Session\Set working directory\To source file location

Afterwards, the code can be executed, which transforms the input data, genereates the output data and plots the graphs automatically.

The data generated is made up of:

Value Data type Description
Year Date (yyyy) The year of the observation
C_ICE_DAYS Numeric The number of days where ice was present
C_SUMMER_DAYS Numeric The number of days defined as summer days (>24°C)
C_MEAN_TEMP Numeric The average temperature in degree celsius
E_RENEWABLES Numeric The amount of renewable resources used in peta Joul
E_OIL Numeric The amount of oil resources used in peta Joul
E_GAS Numeric The amount of gas resources used in peta Joul

Input data credits

Climate data
Creative Commons Namensnennung 4.0 International
Datenquelle: Stadt Wien –

Energy resources
STATcube - Statistische Datenbank von STATISTIK AUSTRIA