- 3
Randomly generate a "meaningful" word or words.
#26 opened by soaapp - 0
- 0
- 1
Add some tweaks to domains and URL scheme
#15 opened by lukaskubanek - 2
Dependency Analysis Error is not being solved
#16 opened by meghanarora - 1
- 0
- 1
Add support for CocoaPods & Carthage
#3 opened by lukaskubanek - 0
Move the extension for images to a separate file (LoremSwiftum+Images.swift)
#7 opened by lukaskubanek - 1
Check support for HTTPS in iOS
#5 opened by lukaskubanek - 1
Add support for OS X
#1 opened by lukaskubanek - 0
Add framework target
#2 opened by lukaskubanek