
A list ReactiveSwift classes and operators with their equivalent for Combine

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A Cheat Sheet of various equivalent of ReactiveSwift for Combine.

This list is by no mean exhaustive, and while each Combine equivalent try to have the same semantic as its ReactiveSwift, there might be cases where the behavior differs in subtle manners.
Please do report these cases so we can update the list accordingly.


ReactiveSwift Combine
Platforms supported • iOS 8.0+
• macOS 10.9+
• Mac Catalyst 13.0+
• watchOS 2.0+
• tvOS 9.0+
• Linux
• iOS 13.0+
• macOS 10.15+
• Mac Catalyst 13.0+
• watchOS 6.0+
• tvOS 13.0+
Framework Consumption Third-party First-party (built-in)
Maintained by Open-Source / Community Apple
UI Bindings ReactiveCocoa (interfacing with UIKit) SwiftUI[1]

[1] Is actually a full UI framework replacing UIKit, that natively supports Combine.


Note that in Combine, anything can be transformed in an AnyPublisher through eraseToAnyPublisher().
This means that all the equivalent given for Combine can be returned as an AnyPublisher.


ReactiveSwift Combine Notes
SignalProducer Deferred<PassthroughSubject>
Signal Publisher
Signal.pipe() PassthroughSubject
Property private(set) variable annotated with @Published (use $variable to get the underlying publisher)
MutableProperty CurrentValueSubject, or a variable annotated with @Published (use the $variable to get the underlying publisher)
Action An equivalent exists at https://github.com/Fueled/ios-utilities/blob/v3-support/FueledUtils/Combine/Action.swift
Disposable Cancellable
SerialDisposable No direct equivalent, see ScopedDisposable<SerialDisposable>
CompositeDisposable No direct equivalent, see ScopedDisposable<CompositeDisposable>
Event No direct equivalent
Observer Subscriber AnySubscriber can be used to create a Subscriber without creating a type that conforms to the former
Scheduler Scheduler DispatchQueue, RunLoop, ImmediateScheduler, OperationQueue conforms to Scheduler
DateScheduler Scheduler
Atomic An equivalent called AtomicValue exists at https://github.com/Fueled/ios-utilities/blob/v3-support/FueledUtils/Core/Atomic.swift#L19-L46


ReactiveSwift Combine Notes
SignalProducer<Value, Failure>(value: value) Just(value).setFailureType(Failure.self)
SignalProducer<Value, Failure>(error: error) Fail(outputType: Value.self, failure: error)
SignalProducer<Value, Failure>.empty Empty().setFailureType(Failure.self)
SignalProducer<Value, Failure>.never Empty(completeImmediately: false).setFailureType(Failure.self)
Signal<Value, Failure>.empty Empty().setFailureType(Failure.self)
Signal<Value, Failure>.never Empty(completeImmediately: false).setFailureType(Failure.self)
Property<Value>(value: value) Just(value).setFailureType(Failure.self)
ScopedDisposable<SerialDisposable> AnyCancellable
ScopedDisposable<CompositeDisposable> Collection of AnyCancellables Call anyCancellable.store(in: collection), where collection can be an Array, a Set, or any other RangeReplaceableCollection


ReactiveSwift Combine Notes
combineLatest() Publishers.CombineLatest/Publishers.CombineLatest3/Publishers.CombineLatest4 Limited to up to 4 parameters, as opposed to 10 for ReactiveSwift.
flatMap(.merge) { <...> } flatMap { <...> }
flatMap(.latest) { <...> } map { <...> }.switchToLatest()
mapError mapError
flatMapError catch
zip Publishers.zip/Publishers.zip2/Publishers.zip3
merge(one, two, ..., eight) Publishers.Merge/Publishers.Merge2/.../Publishers.Merge8
merge([]) Publishers.MergeMany
start() self.sink(receiveCompletion: { _ in }, receiveValue: { _ in })
startWithValues { value in <...> } self.sink(receiveValue: { value in <...> })
startWithResult { result in <...> } self.sink(receiveCompletion { completion in if case .failure(let error) = completion { <...> } }, receiveValue: { value in <...> })
ignoreError() self.catch { _ in Empty() }
skipNil() An equivalent can be found at https://github.com/Fueled/ios-utilities/blob/v3-support/FueledUtils/Combine/PublisherExtensions.swift#L36-L38
skip(first:) dropFirst()
skip(until:) drop(untilOutputFrom:)
skip(while:) drop(while:)
scan() scan()
throttle() throttle()
SignalProducer<Date, Never>.timer() Timer.publish().autoconnect()
prefix() prepend()
on() handleEvents()
<~ If binding to a property on an class, can use .assign(to:, on:). Keep in mind that this will retain the object.
compositeDisposable += <disposable> store(in: &cancellables)

Format inspired by https://github.com/CombineCommunity/rxswift-to-combine-cheatsheet