This command basing on aegypius/mkcert-for-nginx-proxy image
Paste to terminal
docker run -it -d -v mkcert-data:/app/ca -v mkcert-data:/usr/local/bin -v mkcert-data:/app/certs --name mkcert aegypius/mkcert-for-nginx-proxy sh -c 'mkcert -install && mkcert host.docker.internal localhost && chmod 544 * && sh'
or (option 2) if you already have mkcert installed on system then
docker run --rm -itd -v mkcert-data:/app/ca -v mkcert-data:/usr/local/bin -v mkcert-data:/app/certs --name mkcert aegypius/mkcert-for-nginx-proxy sh
then copy certs to mkcert container
docker cp "$(mkcert -CAROOT)/rootCA.pem" mkcert:/app/ca
docker cp "$(mkcert -CAROOT)/rootCA-key.pem" mkcert:/app/ca
and install certs
docker kill mkcert && docker run -itd --name mkcert -v mkcert-data:/app/ca -v mkcert-data:/usr/local/bin -v mkcert-data:/app/certs aegypius/mkcert-for-nginx-proxy sh -c 'mkcert -install && mkcert host.docker.internal localhost && chmod 544 * && sh'
then skip to point 4.
I.e. installation for WSL
docker cp mkcert:/app/certs ./
and i.e. if you are using WSL then copy to your
mkcert -CAROOT
locations and hit mkcert --install
do it on windows and wsl.
- Clone repo, rename .env.example file
mv .env.example .env
- generate DRONE_RPC_SECRET by
openssl rand -hex 16
and pass it to .env file into DRONE_RPC_SECRET. Run just gitea server for now
docker-compose -p gitea up -d server
- open gitea in firefox by providing url, save settings
- Create user i.e.
save name of created user to .env file to
- Navigate go to
click create OAuth2 app and then the redirect url should be:
- ClientID and ClientSecret to .env file to
- Launch rest of services by docker-compose -p gitea up -d
- Go to
Click Continue authorize created gitea app and for Complete your Drone Registration. in your Your Full Name remember to puttommy
or you won't have admin privileges - Drone Dashboard should appear but you don't have any repos so you need to create one after that click Sync button
All dockerfiles that someway interact with other SSL services need to have
RUN apk update && apk add ca-certificates && rm -rf /var/cache/apk/*
this is necessary in order to make mkcert works.