
openUI5 fuzzysearch mobile frontend

Primary LanguageJavaScript

### Prerequisites
We have to download the following repo as a backend system, which is performing as an API
and will supply our SAPUI5 mobile app with data.

Backend: git@gitlab.swisscloud.io:appc-cf-demos/appc-cf-demo-nodejs-hana-openui5.git

You have to had installed nodeJS from this website before you can run the backend on your local system, from here http://nodejs.org/.

To run your backend just change you working directory in a terminal to the backend root directory type <b>node hdb_example.js</b>, to start up the backend.

### Our SAPUI5 app
Our SAPUI5 app just does a simple AJAX call to the backend described before and displays the data in a trivial table, which is binded to a model.

This model will get data from the AJAX call every time the value from the inputfield changes. This will look like this:

onSearch: function(oControlEvent){
	var strSearchTerm = sap.ui.getCore().byId("id-searchfield").getValue();

	var url = "http://localhost:3000/search?name="; 

	//prepare ajax request url with parameter name
	ajax_url = url + strSearchTerm;
	//ajax request on /search?name=<search term>
		url: ajax_url,  
		dataType: "json",
		success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) { 
			resp_data = data;
		error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {

### SAPUI5
This tutorial is just to show case that you can easily work with SAPUI5 mobile and nodeJS to retrieve data from a HANA DB really fast.