
Microcontroller C/C++ runtime execution profiling toolkit using GNU instrumentation calls, SEGGER RTT and 🔬speedscope.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Microcontroller C/C++ runtime execution profiling toolkit using GNU instrumentation calls, SEGGER RTT and 🔬speedscope.


  1. To use this library, you need JLinkRTTLogger from the J-Link Software and Documentation Pack. There is are releases available for Linux.

  2. Build and flash the firmware to the target MCU.

  3. Ensure JLink is connected, run the device and launch the JLinkRTTLogger:

    sudo JLinkRTTLogger -Device STM32H750VB -If SWD -Speed 4000 -RTTChannel 2 ucprof.dat
  4. Generate symbols file:

    arm-none-eabi-nm -lnC .build/platform/STM32H750/STM32H750 > .build/platform/STM32H750/STM32H750.symbols
  5. Fold stacks of all thread calls in ucprof.dat record and export a Speedscope JSON for each thread:

    python3 ucprof.py .build/platform/STM32H750/STM32H750.symbols ucprof.dat
  6. Open ucprof_*.json in Speedscope.

    The ucprof_0.json will be the thread with the most stack calls, and the ucprof_1.json will be the second most, and so on.