
Bottle application utility for generating and serving JSON Feeds.

Primary LanguagePython


jsonfeed-wrapper is a Bottle application utility for serving JSON Feeds munged upon request from another site's HTML. It's developed with Google App Engine in mind.


pip install -r requirements.txt


The central task is to define a page_to_items function that takes page, a successful requests.Response for your root URL or some child, and processes it into an array of jsonfeed items.

bottle app

import jsonfeed_wrapper as jfw
import jsonfeed as jf

def page_to_items(page):
  # Implement me!
  # Return a list of jsonfeed items.
  return []

wrapper = jfw.JSONFeedWrapper("https://example.com", page_to_items, 20)
app = wrapper.as_bottle_app()

If you're running in Google App Engine or with their dev_appserver.py util, just definining app is sufficient. Othwerwise, you should additionally call app.run() to start the server.

For example, see bottle-example.py.

Cloud Function

import jsonfeed_wrapper as jfw
import jsonfeed as jf

def page_to_items(page):
  # Implement me!
  # Return a list of jsonfeed items.
  return []

wrapper = jfw.JSONFeedWrapper("https://example.com", page_to_items, 20)
target =  wrapper.as_cloud_function()

Where target is your Cloud Function target, the function invoked each time your Cloud Function receives a request.

For example, see cloud-function-example.py.


These may be helpful examples for desigining a page_to_items function.