
Fully automated Cloud Function podcast transcriptions with Deepgram.

Primary LanguagePython


A set-it-and-forget-it GCP Cloud Function for transcribing a podcast, built for the Arms Control Wonk Podcast Slack community with transcriptions by Deepgram.


main.py defines a Cloud Function that

  1. Waits on an invocation from a Pub/Sub topic;
  2. Fetches a podcast's RSS or Atom feed of episodes;
  3. Selects up to three most recent episodes for which it hasn't already produced transcripts;
  4. Submits those podcast episodes to Deepgram's automated speech recognition API for transcription;
  5. Writes the Deepgram response and a processed transcript to Google Cloud Storage.

That Cloud Function is designed to be invoked on a regular schedule; the setup instructions below and Makefile provide cron-like invocations by using Cloud Scheduler to publish to the Pub/Sub topic.

It avoids retranscribing episodes by checking whether a transcription artifact matching the episode's feed URI exists in GCS.



  • gsutil and gcloud
  • Python 3.7
  • Deepgram account


Recommended: start with an empty GCP project for the resources created here (a Cloud Storage bucket, Pub/Sub topic, Cloud Scheduler job, and Cloud Function). Run gcloud config set project your-project-name to point the Google Cloud SDK tools at that project.

  1. Create a Google Cloud Storage bucket.

    Run make bucket.

  2. Create .env.yaml file with required environment variables.

    TARGET_FEED_URL : The URL of a podcast's Atom/RSS feed, e.g. "https://armscontrolwonk.libsyn.com/rss".

    TRANSCRIPTIONS_BUCKET_NAME : The name of the Google Cloud Storage bucket created in step 1.

    DEEPGRAM_API_KEY : Your personal Deepgram API key. This is a secret!

    Example .env.yaml file
    # Configuration
    TARGET_FEED_URL: "https://armscontrolwonk.libsyn.com/rss"
    TRANSCRIPTIONS_BUCKET_NAME: "transcriptions"
    # Secrets
    DEEPGRAM_API_KEY: "your_deepgram_secret_here"
  3. Initialize the scheduling infrastructure (Pub/Sub topic and Cloud Scheduler job; documentation).

    Run make cron-job.

  4. Deploy the Cloud Function.

    Run make deploy.

To work through the backlog of episodes in the feed, repeatedly run the created job: gcloud scheduler jobs run WeeklyJob.



Set up a transcription schedule appropriate to your podcast; these default settings are well-configured for a podcast with up to three episodes per week.

To check for updates more or less frequently, change the Cloud Scheduler job frequency. Default: once per week.

To transcribe more or fewer episodes per function execution, change the threshold in main.py#_main. Default: up to 3 episodes.

Deepgram and transcripts

The Deepgram request in main.py#_transcribe is tailored to the Arms Control Wonk podcast; if the speech in your podcast is faster or slower, you may want to decrease or increase the utt_split utterance threshold, respectively.

See Deepgram's API documentation and Python SDK for a documentation of the available options.

Want transcripts in a different format? Change how main.py#_process formats utterances.