The Startup in local mode should be done in multiple terminals, one for each System. Firstly
it is required to startup the docker containers with the command:
docker-compose up -d (-d can be omitted for non daemon mode)
The next step is to create the datasource:
python tDatasource/
Then start the local Storm cluster:
java -jar AIC_Storm/target/AIC_Storm-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar
Afterwards the web ui can be started:
node webServer/index.js
For the submodule tDatasource you need a running python 3 installation or a virtual environment. It is dependant on the module
which is dependant on a C library called librdkafka
usage: [MODE] [SPEED] Mode:
- continous
- realtime
- unify
output speed in seconds (can also be floating points)
This submodule contains all needed dependencies in the maven pom.xml file.
necessary kafka & zookeeper containers are available as docker containers. You will need docker and docker-compose, after that just run docker-compose up (-d) -> -d for running in background
- kafka/zookeeper
- tDatasource
- aic_storm
- webserver
- dashboard
- simply browse to 'localhost:5000' to view the dashboard