Isabelle proving project - Semantics of functional programming languages


In this project I want to start with a simply typed lambda calculus, prove type soundness and then extend it step by step until I am at the latest version of System F used in GHC.


You can find the proof of type safety in Soundness.thy, the proof of confluence in Confluence.thy and the determinancy proofs of tying and kinding in Determinancy.thy.


  • Start with a simply typed lambda calculus
    • Define system
    • Prove Progress
    • Prove Preservation
  • Add let bindings
    • Extend definition
    • Prove Progress
    • Prove Preservation
  • Use the Nominal2 framework to reason about alpha-equated terms
  • Add datatypes and case expressions
    • Extend definition
    • Prove Progress
    • Prove Preservation
  • Extend to System F (ie introduce polymorphic variables)
    • Extend definition
    • Prove Progress
    • Prove Preservation
  • Extend System F with Coercions
    • Extend definition
    • Prove Progress
    • Prove Preservation
  • TBD

Used literature

Up until now, I mainly used Software Foundations: Programming Language Foundations and the System Fc paper.