A Python library which allows construction and manipulation of complex molecules, as well as automatic molecular design and the creation of molecular databases.
- aakansh9Bangalore, India
- act65New Zealand
- amarsh1University of Warwick
- andrewtarzia@GMPavanLab
- aronwalsh@WMD-group
- atom-moyerSeattle, WA
- BSatyaKishoreTalkingWeights
- bskinnRadial R&D
- caiyingchunBeijing, China
- chupvlPhiladelphia, USA
- dudulu00
- eberardo
- eriveradelgadoCambridge, MA
- franciscoadasmeTalca, Chile
- gabegomes
- ghutchisUniversity of Pittsburgh, Department of Chemistry
- ioannisk
- jkshenton
- jonlym
- kbsezginelNumat Technologies
- kjelfsImperial College London
- leelasdYale University
- LiamWilbrahamCronin Lab
- lunyangChina
- minghao2016
- mrauha
- orientalcds
- PatrickBluth@canadian-blood-services
- patrickfullerLila Sciences
- Qi-maxLawrence Berkeley National Lab
- qutohMilwaukee, WI, USA
- saivigNew Delhi, India
- souravsingh
- stevenkbennett@ImperialCollegeLondon
- tsyet12Global
- yingjin-ma