#tinyMCE mention
Mentions plugin for tinyMCE WYSIWYG editor.
##Browser compatibility
- IE7+
- Chrome
- Safari
- Firefox
- Opera
NOTE: Use v3.x if you're using tinyMCE v3.5.x, use v4.x if you're using tinyMCE v4.x
Install using bower.
bower install tinymce-mention
Or copy the source of the plugin to the plugins directory of your tinyMCE installation. Add the mention plugin to your tinyMCE configuration.
plugins : "advlink, paste, mention",
Add configuration options for the mention plugin. source
is the only required setting.
can also be a function. see the options section below.
mentions: {
source: [
{ name: 'Tyra Porcelli' },
{ name: 'Brigid Reddish' },
{ name: 'Ashely Buckler' },
{ name: 'Teddy Whelan' }
###source (required)
The source parameter can be configured as an array or a function.
source: [
{ name: 'Tyra Porcelli' },
{ name: 'Brigid Reddish' },
{ name: 'Ashely Buckler' },
{ name: 'Teddy Whelan' }
source: function (query, process, delimiter) {
// Do your ajax call
// When using multiple delimiters you can alter the query depending on the delimiter used
if (delimiter === '@') {
$.getJSON('ajax/users.json', function (data) {
//call process to show the result
The name of the property used to do the lookup in the source
Default: 'name'
Character that will trigger the mention plugin. Can be configured as a character or an array of characters.
delimiter: '@'
delimiter: ['@', '#']
Default: '@'
Delay of the lookup in milliseconds when typing a new character.
Default: 500
Maximum number of items displayed in the dropdown.
Default: 10
Checks for a match in the source collection.
matcher: function(item) {
//only match Peter Griffin
if(item[this.options.queryBy] === 'Peter Griffin') {
return true;
Highlights the part of the query in the matched result.
highlighter: function(text) {
//make matched block italic
return text.replace(new RegExp('(' + this.query + ')', 'ig'), function ($1, match) {
return '<i>' + match + '</i>';
Key used in the default insert
Default: queryBy
NOTE: key can be any property defined in
Callback to set the content you want to insert in tinyMCE.
insert: function(item) {
return '<span>' + item.name + '</span>';
NOTE: item parameter has all properties defined in the
Callback to set the HTML of an item in the autocomplete dropdown.
render: function(item) {
return '<li>' +
'<a href="javascript:;"><span>' + item.name + '</span></a>' +
NOTE: item parameter has all properties defined in the
Callback to set the wrapper HTML for the autocomplete dropdown.
renderDropdown: function() {
//add twitter bootstrap dropdown-menu class
return '<ul class="rte-autocomplete dropdown-menu"></ul>';
MIT licensed
Copyright (C) 2013 Cognistreamer, http://cognistreamer.com