
HTTP log monitor - console application

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


HTTP log monitor - console application. Program uses queues and Producer-Consumer pattern to process the logs, keep stats and handle alerting.


  • pipenv - to manage virtualenvs and dependencies
  • pygtail - reads log file lines that have not been read and stores offset.
  • python-dateutil - parsing timestamps.
  • watchdog - used for system agnostic file watching.
  • blessed - for a nice terminal UI.


Required pipenv.org. After installation just run pipenv install (pipenv install --dev if you want to run tests). It should install all dependencies (including python 3.6).


pipevn shell # activate virtualenv
rm offest  # remove the offset file if exists
LOG_FILE=apache.log LOG_FILE_PATH=. python app.py # without the LOG_FILE and LOG_FILE_PATH /var/log/access.log will be used
# see other variables in app.py for customization.


To run UTs use py.test

For manual testing:

echo ' - - [07/Mar/2018:16:56:50 -0800] "GET /twiki/bin HTTP/1.1" 200 8545' >> apache.log

Future improvments

  • create a library from pygtail and watchdog (remove extra complexity)
  • the program should run as a daemon in production
  • configuration file
  • better dashboard
  • Gevent and multiprocessing (lower memory footprint and possible better scaling vs process isolation) Important if we want to support much more complex alerting logic and huge volume of data.
  • asyncio - worth exploring especially if we need make multiple IO, not just a single file.
  • timezone changes
  • rate-limiting/throttling
  • integration tests and more UTs
  • store stats and alerts in a persistent storage and send them to a remote server e.g. with an HTTP call