
My C++ utilities library

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


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My C++ utilities library with some common C++ constructs I'm using in several different kind of projects. You will find here modern c++ high level utilities abstracting some common Linux operations and also things I've used in my embedded project, even some stuff from 8-bit AVR microcontrollers. Therefore many classes and utilities does not even require compiler to support standard C++ library. The project itself tries to emulate some standard things such as type_traits if libstdc++/libc++ is not available. This requires generation (with cmake) of config.h before using the library (look at cmake/config.h.in).


My library is using Eric Niebler meta lib: https://github.com/ericniebler/meta header files are placed in include/meta directory.


Currently the library consists of several "modules":

1. cpp [doc]

Some common C++ helpers related only to language and standard library

1.1. call_seq

wraps several functors into one callable which is sequence of functors. To do that your functors signatures needs to match. Eg.:

auto seq = toolbox::cpp::make_call_seq(
		[](auto &value) {
			value += 2;
		[](auto &value) {
			value *= 2;

auto value = 2;

first value will be increased by 2 and than multiplied by 2.

1.2. for_each_param

convinient meta-function for iterating over all variadic arguments passed to the function.

template<typename... Args>
auto printer(std::ostream &os, Args... args)
		[&os](auto arg) {
			os << " -> " << arg << std::endl;

1.3. make_ref_tuple

makes a tuple but if lvalue is provided it takes reference to it instead of a copy.

auto a = 1;
auto t = toolbox::cpp::make_ref_tuple(a, 2);

will produce std::tuple<int &, int> with a reference to a as first element.

1.4. tuple_at(tuple, index, func)

applies functor func on index-th element of tuple. What's important indexing is done in runtime by linear evaluation of elements, so access is O(N) and not O(1) as might be expected.

1.5. tuple_for_each(tuple, func)

applies func on every element of tuple in order. If you have non-compatible types in the tuple (ie. they cannot be automatically converted to your functor's argument type) you need to provide functor with templated operator() or lambda with auto argument.

2. curl

libcurl C++ wrapper inspired by libcurlpp and providing only small subset of functionalities

2.1. global

just a RAII wrapper for curl initialzation and deinitialization, basically it's calling curl_global_init in ctor and curl_global_cleanup in dtor.

2.2. easy

C++ implementation of curl's easy interface. To perform curl request you need to create easy object with parameters. Please use make_easy helper function to do that:


auto request = toolbox::curl::make_easy(
	toolbox::curl::options::httpheader({"Abc: test", "Def: test2"})


3. gcc

gcc related stuff