
Scala Basics Workshop

Primary LanguageScala


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This is a basic Scala workshop to allow smooth introduction into principal Scala features.


  • install JDK8

  • install sbt

  • install IDE of your choice which supports Scala (IDEA Community Edition with Scala plugin is preferred)

  • checkout the project

  git clone git@github.com:lukaszlenart/scala-basics.git
  • start sbt within the project’s folder to download all the dependencies

Scala basics

  • REPL, IntelliJ IDEA Scratch files

  • val, var, def

  • if, for

  • String, Int

  • generics


  • use REPL to sum two Ints and if the result is greater than 0 print it, in other case print a message

  • use REPL to define a mutable empty String variable, then assign a message to the variable and if length of the message is greater than 10, print it 10 times, in other case just once

SBT setting up project & basic commands

  • directory structure

  • configuration files

  • commands: compile, clean, reload, console, test, testOnly


  • create a folder for a new project

  • create src/main/resources, src/main/scala folders

  • create src/test/resources, src/test/scala folders

  • create build.sbt file in the root folder and define project’s basic information like name, version, scalaVersion and a first dependency

  • start sbt in the root folder

task2 (optional, do it at home):

  • use sbt new to generate a new project, use an example template from the page below


Unit testing

  • ScalaTest, Spec2

  • how to create a unit test


  • create a simple unit test with passing assertion

  • create another simple unit test with failing assertion

  • use test or testOnly to check results

  • ignore the failing test and re-run the test

module1 - OOP

  • class, case class

    • please do task1 and task2

  • performing operations in constructor

    • please do task3

  • object

  • companion object & apply

    • please do task4 and task5


  • create a class SimplePerson with String fields firstName and lastName

  • define a method to calculate fullName - concatenate firstName and lastName

  • create a unit test to cover the above logic


  • repeat the same from task1 but using case class and class name Person

  • add additional assertion to check if firstName and lastName have proper values


  • create a case class AutoPerson with String fields firstName and lastName

  • define a mutable String field fullName

  • calculate the fullName in constructor

  • create a unit test to cover the above logic


  • create an object PersonSingleton

  • define a mutable field fullName

  • create two unit tests

  • in the first one assign value to fullName and assert its value

  • with the second test, assert only the value from the first test


  • create a companion object for the case class Person

  • define a method apply which accept just a single string

    • split the argument on white space to create a proper Person object

  • create a unit test to cover creating a person based on a single string

module2 - methods

  • default arguments

  • named arguments


  • create a case class Car with a field make: String

  • define a method with at least two arguments

    • define the last argument with default value

  • combine all the arguments and make field as a result

  • create a unit test to cover calling the method using default value and passing specific value for the default argument


  • create a case class Driver with at least two arguments:

    • licenseId

    • age

  • define a method canDrive_? : Boolean to check if driver’s age is over or equal 18

  • create a unit test to cover the method

  • add additional assertion and use .copy() with named parameter to define a new value for the age

    • use assertion to check if the new value was properly re-defined

module3 - collections & functional programming

  • Seq, List, Map, tuples

  • elem :: Nil, head :: tail

    • please do task1 and task2

  • .empty, .filter, .map, .find, .count, .sortBy

  • .get, .head, .headOption

    • please do task3 and task4


  • create a case class CarMileage with a field mileage: Seq

  • create a unit test and init CarMileage using Seq(…​)

  • assert if mileage value is the same as sequence using elem :: Nil construction

  • assert if a first element of mileage value is the same using head :: tail construction


  • create a case class CarGarage with field cars: Map[String, Car]

  • define a method to find a car by given model

  • define a method to count all cars in the Garage matching given model

  • create a unit test to cover the above logic


  • extend the case class Car and add a broken: Boolean field with default value set to false

  • define additional method in CarGarage to list cars which are broken

  • create a unit test to cover the above logic


  • extend method from task3 to sort cars by make

  • create a unit test to cover the logic

module4 - Optionals & for-expressions

  • Option & None & Some

    • please do task1 and task2

  • .flatMap, .map, .flatten

  • simple for, for-comprehension

    • please do task3 and task4


  • extend the class Car and define an optional field driver of type Driver with a default value

  • create a unit test to cover creating a Car with and without the driver


  • extend CarGarage with a method readyCars which looks for cars with the driver field defined

  • create a unit test to cover the logic


  • extend CarGarage with method readyDrivers which looks for cars with driver field defined and returns those drivers

  • create a unit test to cover the logic


  • redefine readyDrivers to use for-comprehension

    • you can use readDrivers1 name to keep the old version

  • use the same unit test as in task3 to check if everything is ok

module5 - traits & inheritance

  • trait, extends, with

  • case objects (better than enums)


  • define a trait Professional with method professionalDriverLicense

  • define a new case class ProfessionalDriver which extends SimplePerson and with Professional trait

  • implement missing method

    • you can extend SimplePerson and add optional driver license field with default value use this value to implement professionalDriverLicense method

    • or

    • define a new field in ProfessionalDriver class and use it to implement the method

  • create a unit test to cover logic of professionalDriverLicense


  • change implementation of professionalDriverLicense in Professional trait and return missing by default

  • define a new case class SimpleDriver which extends SimplePerson and with Professional trait

  • create a unit test to cover logic of default implementation


  • define sealed trait DriverType

  • create related companion object

  • inside the companion object add two case object`s `Normal and Professional implementing the trait

  • extend Driver case class and add optional driverType field of type DriverType

  • create a test case covering creating Driver objects with both values of DriverType

module6 - pattern matching

  • match & case

  • unapply


  • add additional type to DriverType - Missing

  • extend Driver case class and define driverLicense method which returns driver’s licenseId prefixed with given type

  • if type isn’t defined return only licenseId

  • create a test case to cover this logic


  • change logic of driverLicense method from task1 and if driverType equals Missing or is None return licenseId

  • add additional test case to cover this logic


  • create a companion object for CarGarage case class

  • add ready_?(car: Car): Boolean method to the companion object

  • return true if car is not broken and its make is "mercedes" and driver’s `age is over 18

  • create a test case to check the implementation

module7 - Higher Order Functions

  • functions that accept functions `def func(calcFn: Double ⇒ Double): Double

  • functions that produce functions def builder(input: Double): Double ⇒ Double



  • define an object with a function that will produce a function based on a `driver’s type and will accept the driver based on his age:

    • a Normal driver can drive if his age is equal or over 18

    • a Professional driver can drive if his age is equal or over 21

    • any other driver cannot drive

  • create a test case to check the implementation


  • define a sealed trait CarMake with two case objects VW and Ford (similar to DriverType from module 5)

  • define a case class LuxuryCar with a CarMake field

  • define a passCertification function which accepts a function CarMake ⇒ Boolean and use it

  • create a test case to check the implementation

    • if VW it should pass the certification

    • if Ford it shouldn’t pass the certification