
View your Pocket statistics and view/archive recent articles

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Pocket Automation

  • View your Pocket statistics
  • View your recent articles, open, archive or collect URLs


  1. Go to Pocket Developer and create a new application. Select required permissions (Retrieve required, Modify required only if you want to archive items via API)
  2. Run node .\node_modules\node-getpocket\authorise.js --consumerkey "your key"
  3. Open the address visible in the command line. Authorise with Pocket and copy the access token.
  4. Create pocket.json file:
	"consumer_key": "your API key",
	"access_token": "your access token"



node index.js --stats
- or -
npm run stats

You will see statistics of your Pocket data:

N = Normal, A = Archived, D = Deleted
Date range: 2013-12-05 - 2020-10-11
2013-12: N   0, A   3, D   0, READ   3
2014-01: N   0, A  21, D   0, READ  21
2020-08: N  92, A  14, D   0, READ  16
Total: 5786
N: 2338, A: 3448, D: 0
Favorited: N 10 / A 66 / D 0, Not: N 5776, A 5720, D 5786
With tags: N 665 / A 41 / D 0, Without: N 5121, A 5745, D 5786

First, you will see date range of your saved articles.

Next, counts:

  • N 92 means 92 articles were updated (probably added) in September 2020
  • A 14 means 14 articles were archived in that month
  • D 0 means 0 articles were deleted in that month
  • READ 16 means 16 articles were read in that month

At the end there is summary:

  • Total: 5786 - the total amount of items in your Pocket
  • N: 2338, A: 3448, D: 0 - in total, there are 2338 unread and 3448 archived items
  • Favorited / Not and With tags / Without are similar stats for: items that were or were not favorited, and for items with tags or without any tags


node index.js --read
- or -
npm run stats


  • --app - path to the browser's executable if you don't want to use the default one
  • --arg - optional arguments for the browser
  • --batch=20 - batch size, the amount of items retrieved (default 10)
  • --skip-tag="tag 1" --skip-tag="tag 2" - items with these tags will not be displayed in this application

Application in this mode reads a batch of the latest items from your Pocket, and displays them one by one, providing information about: date, consecutive number, page name, URL, and tags.

For each item you have the following options (keyboard shortcut in the brackets):

  • Copy URL (c) - copies the URL to the clipboard
  • Open (o) - opens the link in a web browser (the default one or the one selected in the command line arguments)
  • Open & Archive (u) - first opens the link in a web browser, then archives the Pocket item
  • KB & Archive (k) - asks for a description and adds it along with the link to the kb.txt file, then archives the Pocket item
  • Open, KB & Archive (b) - opens the link in a web browser, adds it to KB and archives the Pocket item
  • Archive (a) - just archives the Pocket item
  • Skip (s) - proceeds to the next Pocket item
  • Quit (q) - exits the program