
Automated way to set up your own kubernetes cluster on Raspberry Pi. Includes memory card preparation, nodes bootstrap and kubernetes services configuration

Primary LanguageShell

Raspberry Pi kubernetes cluster on Alpine linux setup

This repository is supposed to help if I'd EVER AGAIN destroy the whole cluster by accident. Code is a result of 6 hours coding marathon, but will be improved and patched in future.

Enhanced documentation

More explainatory documentation can be found in Medium article "I broke my Raspberry Pi kubernetes cluster" published 14/03 ( Pi day ).


Memory card preparations [step1]

To prepare memory cards check the step1 directory. If your Pi memory card is present under /dev/disk5 - you don't need to change anything, otherwise change it to the device of your choice.


Run the following script which will:

  • Format memory card
  • Split it into two partitions (1G + remaining)
  • Copy basic Alpine system onto 1G partition
  • Add an overlay allowing ethernet interface get up and SSH root access without the password

Cluster preparations [step2]


  • Modify pi-hosts.txt file and adjust it to your setup.
  • Modify address class in step2/static/k8s-metallb-dashboard-config.yaml to suit your network

Add following to your ~/.ssh/config file

Host pi?
  User root
  Hostname %h.local

Prepare your nodes for Ansible


Run the playbook

ansible-playbook rpi.yaml -f 10

K8S definitions [step3]

Use makefile from step3 to apply / destroy resources

Required environment variables:

TRAEFIK_API_KEY // Traefik API key
GH_USER // GitHub user
GH_PAT // GitHub Personal Access Token


  • Raspberry Pi cluster running Alpine linux as a base
  • MetalLB for load balancing in your LAN
  • Kubernetes dashboard installed and exposed via MetalLB
  • Traefik managing the.. traffic