
Function programming for the shell

Primary LanguageC


A functional take on some shell utilities.

Values are any string of bytes that can be used as a command argument (that is, any string of bytes not containing a \0 character.

We use \0 for terminating items in lists when reading from file descriptors. We thus get lazy infinite lists. Compatible with the output of find -print0 and with the input of xargs -0.

The "types" of values.

String: any non '\0' containing sequence of bytes. Can appear as arguments or on stdin.

List: A (potentially infinite) list of String types. Represented as consecutive '\0' terminated String elements.

Some commands assume extra structure on the various inputs, for example, some assume that a String looks like a number, or operate on elements of a list two at a time (mapTuple).

Unfortunately, we don't have a type checker, so it is up to you to to ensure the types match up. In some instances we can't even do run-time type checking due to the limited nature of our encoding scheme (\0 terminated).