This is a master project takes place in CSG at UZH.

Primary LanguageVueApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


A collaborative system for sharing information and economic impacts of cyberattacks


Table of Contents


This project consist of two parts:

  • The Front End is mainly inherited from DDoSGrid project, which used Vue.js as their developing language, and containts three parts, the miner, the api and the frontend.

    • The miner subproject is a packet decoder and feature extractor that produces output as JSON files and communicates over stdout or an IPC channel if available.
    • The api is a RESTful api based on Express.js which orchestrates the miner package if required.
    • The frontend is a Vue.js based SPA that renders visualizations obtained from the api.
  • The Back End is responsible for data processing, data management, and applications communication. Our Back End system is based on Django. There are 10 applications functioning in the back-end.

    • The application application is used to process the join in application of interested persons.
    • The attack_feature application is used to handle some data extracted from the PCAP files.
    • The attack_information application is responsible for process single incidents related data, such as the financial loss caused by the incident and the technical detail about the incident. This application also in charge of providing data for Incident Statistic part and Ecomonic Impact part of system.
    • The city_country application provides the city and country options for users to choose.
    • The information_sharing application manages the options for technical related multiple choices and provide users with those options to choose from.
    • The measure application deals with the countermeasures set by users against cyberattacks.
    • The measure_type application manages the predefined countermeasures for users to select from.
    • The organization application is used to handle organization related data and provide users with options.
    • The sector application is used to handle sector related information and provide options as well.
    • The user_info application is used to process the user related information.

    And within each application, there are six python files been used to make sure the system functioning as designed.

    • admin.py is related to the settings of Django admin site.
    • app.py is where the application configuration metadata for an application being stored.
    • model.py is the place where data models are defined matching with the tables in the database.
    • serializers.py is the place to define serializers for data models which are reponsible for data validation and conversion.
    • urls.py is where the URLs configurations being set to dispatch requests to appropriate methods for processing.
    • views.py is where all the views belong to, and each view contains concrete implementations of methods to handle requests.

The following shows the outline structure of the SHINE system.

   |—— api 
   |—— application
   |—— attack_features
   |—— attack_information 
   |—— city_country 
   |—— docker-compose.ysl 
   |—— Dockerfile 
   |—— Economic.db 
   |—— frontend 
   |—— information_sharing 
   |—— LICENSE 
   |—— manage.py 
   |—— measure 
   |—— measure_type 
   |—— miner 
   |—— models.py 
   |—— organization 
   |—— README.md 
   |—— sector 
   |—— SHINE 
   |—— user_info 

The following applications and programs must be installed on the target machine before the installation.

      * Node.js
      * npm
      * git
      * Python, Version >= 3.6
      * pip
      * Django 3
      * libpcap
      * SSH Client

Front End

Clone the project from github:

git clone git@github.com:luke-feng/MAP.git


Enter the miner subproject and install the necessary dependencies. Make sure you are running Node.JS version 10 and that you lave libpcap installed.

cd miner
npm i

After that the miner package can be imported as an NPM module or it can be run manually through the shell. For details of this part, please refer to the DDoSGrid project. (https://github.com/ddosgrid/ddosgrid-v2)


Setting up the api is straightforward simply fetch the dependencies and start the main javascript file. Make sure that you have previously installed the dependencies of the miner!

cd miner; npm i; cd ..;
cd api; npm i

Now simply run it and optionally pass the port where it should listen:

node index.js


export PORT=1234; node index.js

or by using the scripts(recommended)


You may need to change CLIENT_APP_ORIGIN , OAUTH2_SUCCESS_FORWARD, OAUTH2_CALLBACK to your own IP and service port in the api/scripts/start_dev_server.sh script file.

It will automaticly listen on 8080 port. And you can change the technical details in api/scripts/start_dev_server.sh, like the port and CLIENT_APP_ORIGIN.


Enter the frontend subproject and run it after fetching its dependencies

npm i

This will automatically rebuild the project if a file changes. To use the application you will need to let it connect to an api instance. To connect it with our Back End, you can run the build commend

npm run build

It will packet the frontend project, and connect with Django backend.

Back End

Installing required third-party packages

With the pip being installed, you can use this command to install packages. Run the following commands to install required third-party packages for the SHINE system.

pip install djangorestframework
pip install django-filter
pip install django-smart-selects
pip install django-cors-headers
pip install django-unixtimestampfield
pip install geonamescache

If you would like to install other packages, please do not forget to add them to the INSTALLED_APP list inside the settings.py file.

Configure the path

For this step, you need have your server IP address and the port number that provides service for the DDoSGrid system in hand. Fine the hidden file .env.production, open the file and locate yourself to the line that sets VUE_APP_APIBASEURL and VUE_APP_SHINEBASEURL, and modify it follow the following format.

VUE_APP_APIBASEURL = http://`your server IP address`:`DDoSGrid service port`
VUE_APP_SHINEBASEURL = http://`your server IP address`:`BackEnd service port`

Add IP address to the white list

Before you can start run the service, you need to add the server IP address to the trusted white list. To do so, you need go find the file settings.py under the SHINE folder. Open the file and find the place where the ALLOWED_HOSTS and CORS_ORIGIN_WHITELIST, and append your server IP address to the end of the list.

Start the server

To start the server, run the following command within the folder that stores the manage.py file.

python manage.py runsever

And the terminal will tell you the which port is currently carrying the service.
