
Python script to scan images and redraw them through GUI automation

Primary LanguagePython


What It Does

This python script works by scanning a user-selected image and using PIL to find it's edges and apply additional filters to return a monchrome image. Then the filtered image is scanned for white pixels, which are subsequently written to a temporary text file. From here, GUI automation through pynput is used to click each of these coordinates from the text file - recreating the image. This drawing can then be saved by storing the text file in the 'drawings' folder to be reused.


  • Install the required packackes using pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Run the script and either redraw an existing image from the 'drawings' folder, or open a new image and draw it

Made With

  • pynput (GUI automation)
  • tkinter (Dialog box)
  • pillow (Image processing)
  • tqdm (Progress bar)
  • colorama (Colored printing)