
Bitcoin Core main website

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT

#bitcoincore.org Build Status

This repository is the source code of the Bitcoin Core project website built with Jekyll.

Directory structure

  • _posts/<lang>/posts for blog articles.
  • _posts/<lang>/pages for static pages.
  • _posts/<lang>/releases for Bitcoin Core release notes

File names must be in the format Y-m-d-title.md, e.g. 2015-12-31-title.md. File names can be translated.


Menu and miscellaneous translations can be found in:

  • _data/lanaguges.yml
  • _data/navgation.yml
  • _data/translations.yml

Front Matter notes

The following Front Matter is required for the multilingual setup in all files. The required fields are as follows:

  • name: group name for unique article. Each translation must share the same group name, e.g. october15-report
  • id: each article translation must have a unique ID. Use the language code + -name field. e.g. en-october15-report
  • permalink: the ML permalink must include the language code, e.g. /en/2015/12/31/report. Permalinks should be translated.
  • title: the translated title of the article
name: short-title
id: en-short-title
permalink: /en/2016/01/01/short-title
title: Short Title


This website is based on Jekyll. To build locally, install Ruby 2.2.2 or greater and then run the following commands:

gem install bundle
bundle install

To preview the site (this will launch a tiny webserver on port 4000):

bundle exec jekyll server

To simply build the site (output placed in the _site directory):

bundle exec jekyll build

To test the site:

bundle exec jekyll build && bundle exec htmlproof ./_site


Contributions welcome. Please see CONTRIBUTING.md for details.