
This is a quick app to demonstrate how to use koa and koa-jwt to create a secure rest api.

This README assumes you're using yarn. If not, you can substitute npm commands where appropriate.


  • clone the git repo:
git clone https://github.com/clintmod/koa-jwt-login-example.git
  • run yarn to install the dependencies
  • run yarn local to run node via nodemon to auto-reboot node if you edit source files

Running the tests

You can run the tests with the usual:

yarn test

If you want to develop more tests you can run:

yarn test-mocha-watch

This will start mocha in watch mode.

Testing the api

  • use curl to register a new user:
curl -X POST --data '{"username":"thedude", "password":"abides", "email":"thedude@slacker.com", "name":"Mr. Lebowski"}' http://localhost:9000/public/register
  • use curl to login with that user and get a token:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"username":"thedude", "password":"abides"}' http://localhost:9000/public/login
  • use curl to access the secured api/v1 route with the token you received in the login step
curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer INSERT_TOKEN_HERE" http://localhost:9000/sacred


You'll notice in the package.json I'm using a forked version of koa-jwt. This is because currently, there's no "documented" way to know when a token expires. I've opened an issue and sent a pull request with what I think is an appropriate fix. When the pull request gets merged and released I'll update the demo with the new version of koa-jwt.

I also hash the password using bcrypt because you should always hash your passwords.


This is a fork from: https://github.com/clintmod/koa-jwt-login-example that I am adapting to my own use case. All initial code is his. Thanks!