Node MongoDB Backup

This project creates backups of Mongo DB collections on a set interval using node-cron.

Set up

  1. git clone

  2. cd node_mongo_backup

  3. npm install or yarn install

  4. Create a config.ts file, exporting the following information(see below for an example):

    1. Database URI (uri)
    2. Database name (dbName)
    3. Collection names (collections) -> This must be an array even if there is only one collection
  5. Set a cron schedule in main.ts (see Crontab Guru for more help)

  6. Install pm2 npm i -g pm2

  7. Run npm run deploy or yarn deploy

Example config.ts file

module.exports.config = {
  dbName: "database_name",
  collections: ["collection_name", "collection_name_1"],