
Primary LanguageTypeScript

Available Scripts

After clonning the repository you can run

make up install up logs

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

Later you can run just:

make up logs

This will just start the project, without installing dependencies

To run tests:

make into
npm tests

You should see something like:

 PASS  src/battle/BattleReducer.test.ts
  Each roll may cost some health                                                                                                                                            
    When they roll equal
      ✓ player health stays the same (11ms)
      ✓ monster health stays the same (3ms)
    When monster rolls higher than player (%#
      ✓ Player health is hit (3ms)
      ✓ Player health is hit (3ms)
      ✓ Monster health stays same (3ms)
    When player rolls higher than monster
      ✓ player health stays the same (3ms)
      ✓ monster health is hit (3ms)
      When player rolls higher than monster again (this time much higher)
	✓ player health stays the same still (3ms)
	✓ monster health is hit even more (4ms)
      Revenge: When monster rolls higher than player
	✓ player health is hit this time (2ms)
	✓ monster health stays the same, since it was hit last time (1ms)
  Resets battle state
    ✓ It is back to initial state (4ms)
  Cannot go lower than zero health
    ✓ Monster health stays at least zero (2ms)
  Stores last rolled dice in the state
    ✓ Persons keep rolled dice (4ms)
  Forgets last hit on next roll
    ✓ player forgets its last hit (2ms)

 PASS  src/App.test.tsx (6.202s)
  ✓ renders learn react link (222ms)

Test Suites: 2 passed, 2 total
Tests:       16 passed, 16 total

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