
React starter template with webpack and postcss

Primary LanguageJavaScript

React Starter

Demo: https://react-starter.lukeandersen.now.sh

Getting started

Clone the project and run npm i

After this start the app with npm start. This will launch the webpack-dev-server with live reload.

React + Webpack

The project is built with webpack and NPM scripts.


CSS is processed with CSS-Next (CSS4) and is compiled in webpack with postcss. For more info and the complete feature list see: http://cssnext.io/features/

File loader

File-loader will convert you static images into base64 assets and allow you import them as modules into your components. For more info: https://github.com/webpack/file-loader


Run npm run build

To test the built app, cd dist then run node server.js and the built app will be available at http://localhost:9001


If you choose to deploy to a static host like Netlify you're done. If you choose another host like Heroku you will need to make sure the host supports node environments then use the npm run createServer script which will install express as a dependency of the app. This will then make use if the node server.js file included in the repo to run the app. You may need to specify this as the way to start your server on some hosts like AWS, eg. node server.js but most know to look for a server.js or index.js in the root directory of the project.