
A simple app to allow users access to Azure Storage Blobs

Primary LanguageC#

What is this?

A simple web app that authenticates an AAD user, and then allows downloads from Blob Storage Accounts that the user has been granted Azure RBAC access to.

What Roles does the user need?

Storage Blob Data Reader to the Blob Storage Account or Container the user is needing to access.

How does it work?

The user will browse to the application passing GET variables in the URL:

  • storageAccountName
  • containerName
  • path
  • handler

The Handler varible routes the request to the OnGetBlob Page Method.

Example URL: https://www.mysite.com?handler=Blob&storageAccountName=lukedevhosting&containerName=rbac&path=childPath/GeneralQuestions-Page1.pdf

How do I set it up?

You will need global admin within an Azure Active Directory. You will need to register an application with the following parameters:

  • Redirect URIs configured to return to your Web App /signin-oidc Ex: https://mysit.com/signin-oidc.
  • Enable ID Tokents
  • Add Azure Storage/user_impersonation Delegated to API Permissions
  • Generate an App Secret

Based on the settings within the App Service, fillout the following AppSettings.json paramters:

  • "Domain": "yourdomain.onmicrosoft.com"
  • "TenantId": "Directory ID on the App Registration Overview"
  • "ClientId": "Application ID on the App Registration Overview"
  • "ClientSecret": "Secret You Generated"

Why did you do this?

To get a better understanding of using secured downstream APIs. Also, to allow direct linking to files within a private Blob Storage Container without using SAS tokens.