
A provisioning script to deploy a Container NAS solution on an Ubuntu 16.04 LTS machine

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Docker NAS Provisioning Script

This script is intended to provision a NAS solution based on container technology. With a lack of available options for home use, I decided to create a simple one that meets my direct needs. This script offers a quick solution to provision the following:

  • A Samba container with NetBIOS agent to advertise shares - Samba for Docker
  • A nightly backup job that syncs your fileshare to another source
  • Portainer managment UI for your local docker environment - Portainer


  • Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS
  • Docker >= 17.09
  • Mounted Storage and Backup Hard Drives (Optional)


Pull down the script

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/lukeawyatt/provision-docker-nas/master/deploy-docker-nas.sh -O deploy-docker-nas.sh

Modify the permissions to allow execution

chmod u+x deploy-docker-nas.sh

Edit the script to change our configuration

vim deploy-docker-nas.sh

Execute the script with superuser privileges to provision the NAS. Clip the output for your records. This script can be re-ran since it'll break down the existing containers first. If your paths change, re-running the script will leave the residual files as they exist. This script can also be re-ran as is to upgrade the base docker images.

sudo ./deploy-docker-nas.sh


Edit the PRELIMINARY CONFIGURATION section of the script to your desired setting.


This is the name of the host, local to this configuration only. Use only ALPHA-NUMERIC characters with no spaces. The script will automatically append '.local' to your entered value.



This is the system user used to assign permissions to the share directories.



This is the mount path of the physical hard drive or parent share directory. Note, a "share" directory will be created with the supplied heirarchy. LEAVE OFF TRAILING FORWARD SLASH



This is the mount path of the backup hard drive or backup parent share directory. Note, a "share" directory will be created with the supplied heirarchy. Comment this out if you do not want backups to be set. LEAVE OFF TRAILING FORWARD SLASH



This is the user array. Each key of this associative array represents a share by name. The semicolon delimited (;) value represents the below:

  • Place: 1 - Username
  • Place: 2 - Password
declare -A USERS=(


This is the share array. Each key of this associative array represents a share by name. The semicolon delimited (;) value represents the below:

  • Place: 1 - Browsable (yes or no)
  • Place: 2 - Readonly (yes or no)
  • Place: 3 - Guest (yes or no)
  • Place: 4 - Users (Comma Delimited), Or 'all'
  • Place: 5 - Admins (Comma Delimited), Or 'none'
  • Place: 6 - Users with Write Permission Whitelist (On RO) (Comma Delimited)
declare -A SHARES=(


When new versions of the packaged Dockerhub images are released, simply re-run this script to upgrade. The new image will be downloaded and utilized during re-build.

Tested Versions

My test environment is as follows. If you have tested in another environment/version set, please add to this list.

  • Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
  • GNU Bash
  • Docker CE 17.09.0
  • Samba 4.5.8 (Docker)
  • Portainer 1.14.3
  • rsync 3.1.1 pv 31


  • Configuration Validation
  • Create and attach volumes separately to prevent strays at re-provision
  • Add a Docker health check
  • Create a basic Samba management webapp, since this will complete the technical definition of a NAS
  • Optional recycle bin
  • Optional docker cleanup process


If you have any problems with or questions about this script, please contact me using a GitHub Issue