
Market surveillance app integrated with Kubernetes.

Primary Languageq



Small market surveillance application packaged using qpacker, a kdb+ cloud packaging tool that allows you to easily wrap kdb+ services in docker images.



  1. git clone https://github.com/lukebrit27/surv-cloud.git
  2. cd surv-cloud
  3. ./buildImages.sh
  4. Change permissions of all files in the repo to avoid any access issues: chmod -R 777 *;chmod -R g+s tplogs
  5. docker-compose up
  6. If running dashboard images, go to http://localhost:9090
  7. If not running dashboard images, use docker attach image_name to attach to a Surveillance process. E.g. docker attach surv-cloud_feed_1

Run with Kubernetes

Additional Prerequisites


  1. minikube start
  2. ./deployK8sCluster.sh
  3. Run kubectl get pods -n surv-cloud --output=wide. Wait for all pods to be marked as ready.
  4. Run minikube service gui-dash to open the dashboards in your local browser


The pre-built application images can be found in this docker repository https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/luke275/surv-cloud/


Dashboard Image Volume Backup

Useful tool for extracting volume data from existing images: https://github.com/loomchild/volume-backup