
TEOS-10 V3.0 GSW Oceanographic Toolbox in C

Primary LanguageC

#TEOS-10 V3.0 GSW Oceanographic Toolbox in C

This is a translation of the original Fortran-90 source code into C. You should download the documentation from http://teos-10.org. The functions gsw_saar and gsw_delta_sa_ref have been modified from the original to not use an external data file for global absolute salinity anomaly and absolute salinity anomaly ratio data. The data are instead incorporated into static tables that are used directly.


    README                                                          -- this file.
    gsw_check_functions.c                                           -- C implementation of the check functions
    gsw_data_v3_0.dat.gz                                            -- global absolute salinity anomaly data
    gsw_format.c                                                    -- program to create gsw_saar_data.c from
    gsw_oceanographic_toolbox.c                                     -- The C GSW library less gsw_saar
    gsw_saar.c                                                      -- gsw_saar and gsw_delta_sa_ref (modified)
    gsw_saar_data.c                                                 -- static global absolute salinity anomaly data
                                                                       used by gsw_saar.c and created by gsw_format
    gswteos-10.h                                                    -- GSW function prototypes
    Makefile                                                        -- basic make file to build gsw_check_functions
                                                                   and libgswteos-10.so

You'll probably want to build gsw_oceanographic_toolbox.c, and gsw_saar.c into a library. "make library" will attempt to build a shared library for gcc/GNU Linux platforms.

C programs using the GSW Oceanographic Toolbox should include the supplied header file:

    #include <gswteos-10.h>

Change Log

    2013-04-14: Forked by Luke Campbell, Added automake build
    2012-10-07:	gsw-3.0.1 New gsw_check_functions.c based on revised f90.
    2011-09-23:	gsw-3.0 Initial creation.


    bash ./autogen.sh
    ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/libgswteos-10
    sudo make install


    sudo ln -s /usr/local/libgswteos-10/lib/libgswteos-10.la /usr/local/lib/
    sudo ln -s /usr/local/libgswteos-10/lib/libgswteos-10.so.3 /usr/local/lib/
    sudo ln -s /usr/local/libgswteos-10/lib/libgswteos-10.so.3.0.0 /usr/local/lib/
    sudo ln -s /usr/local/libgswteos-10/lib/libgswteos-10.so /usr/local/lib/
    sudo ln -s /usr/local/libgswteos-10/include/gswteos-10.h /usr/local/include/


    Luke Campbell <lcampbell at asascience dot com>
    Software Engineer
    Ocean Observatories Initiative, Cyber Infrastructure
    Data Management

    Frank Delahoyde <fdelahoyde at ucsd dot edu>
    Shipboard Technical Support, Computing Resources <sts-cr@ucsd.edu>
    Scripps Institution of Oceanography
    Nimitz Marine Facility, Point Loma
    San Diego, Ca. 92106-3505