
Advanced Custom Fields: Gravity Forms Add-on.

Primary LanguagePHP

Advanced Custom Fields: Gravity Forms Add-on

Advanced Custom Field with which you can select Gravity forms.

Getting started

  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/acf-gravity-forms-add-on directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress
  3. Use the Settings->Plugin Name screen to configure the plugin
  4. (Make your instructions match the desired user flow for activating and installing your plugin. Include any steps that might be needed for explanatory purposes)

You can also install Advanced Custom Fields: Gravityforms Add-on trough composer

composer require lukecav/acf-gravity-forms-add-on

or if you make use of WPackagist

composer require wpackagist/acf-gravity-forms-add-on

Using Advanced Custom Fields: Gravity Forms Add-on

To use the the field you just need to know how advanced custom fields work. You can check out their documentation

The Gravity forms Add-on returns either an single form object / id or an array of objects / id's Now we know that we can easily use it to build our fields :)

If you return an ID

$form = get_field('my-form');
gravity_form($form, true, true, false, '', true, 1); 

If you return an Object

$form = get_field('my-form');
gravity_form($form['id'], true, true, false, '', true, 1); 

If you return multiple Form ID's

$forms = get_field('my-form');

foreach($forms as $form) {
    gravity_form($form, true, true, false, '', true, 1); 

Getting involved

Want to get involved and improve Advanced Custom Fields: Gravityforms Add-on? Fork this repo and whenever you have something just make a pull request. After review we might add it to the Advanced Custom Fields: Gravity Forms Add-on(acf-gravity-forms-add-on)

Getting ahead

As Gravity forms & Advanced Custom Fields are continuously in development we like to take a look ahead together for what's coming. If you want to get involved developing Advanced Custom Fields: Gravity Forms Add-on you can ask us if you can implement some of the features yourself.

  • Create an admin notice when plug-in gets activated but Gravity forms is not activated yet