
Various utility classes and methods for Ceylon

Primary LanguageCeylonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Ceylon Chayote

Various utility classes and methods for Ceylon. These are intended to all be written in native Ceylon, with no dependency on JDK-specific modules.

Format Integers as either hex or bits Strings with padding and underscores to make them more readable.


> 0001_1110


> 0007_a120

Helper functions for equals() and hash:


> 1312847


> true or false


> true or false

Functions to translate Integers into Sequences of Bytes


> [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, $1110.byte, $0101_1100.byte, $1010_1010.byte]


> [$1110.byte, $0101_1100.byte, $1010_1010.byte]

Convenience function: helpString() to help output class string attributes.

    helpString("Thing",  "Name"->"FirstThing", "Number"->1, "Optional"->null);

> "Thing:{Name=FirstThing,Number=1,Optional=null}"

Wrapper types for commonly used types to add unique typing. Example, in contexts where several Integer variables are used for different concepts such as AccountNumber, ReferenceNumber, etc


   class AccountNumber(Integer baseValue) extends WrappedInteger(baseValue) {}
   class ReferenceNumber(Integer baseValue) extends WrappedInteger(baseValue) {}

   value accountNum1 = AccountNumber(\"1\");
   value accountNum2 = AccountNumber(\"2\");

   value refNum1 = ReferenceNumber(\"1\");
   value refNum2 = ReferenceNumber(\"2\");

Current version: 0.0.14

Version history:

  • 0.0.1: Format Integers as bits and hex.
  • 0.0.2: Functions for immutable Lists, Sets, and Maps
  • 0.0.3: Helper functions for equals() and hash
  • 0.0.4: Functions to translate Integers into Sequences of Bytes and move unit tests to separate source folder
  • 0.0.5: Refactor module to herd.chayote to simplify project structure and to qualify for Herd module inclusion according to required criteria.
  • 0.0.6: Functions to left and right bit rotate on Integers. Add properly formatted module, package, and function documentation.
  • 0.0.7: Fix bug with integerToBytes not returning correct results on JavaScript. Fix bug with formatAndPadAsBits and formatAndPadAsHex not returning correct results in JavaScript. Add helpString as a string(toString()) helper method. Fix documentation.
  • 0.0.8: Introduce wrapper classes that subclass [[TypedClass]] and [[TypedClassComparable]].
  • 0.0.9: Simplify wrapper classes by removing an extra generic type parameter. Remove erroneous documentation about un-introduced Integer bit rotation feature.
  • 0.0.10 Rename value_classes package to type_classes and introduce general Binary to [Byte] conversion functions.
  • 0.0.11 Update to Ceylon 1.2.0. Minor changes to leverage new language features. Eliminate Integer rotation as there's no way to make it work reliably on the JavaScript runtime. Also eliminate immutable collections functionality s since this is now in ceylon.language.
  • 0.0.12 Integrate with ceylon-xmath to support functions using Longs.
  • 0.0.13 Update for Ceylon 1.2.1. Replace xmath with integer64.
  • 0.0.14 Update for Ceylon 1.2.2. Rename type_classes to wrapper_type as well as its interfaces/classes.