- 0
Hosting requirements
#41 opened by Renboo - 17
- 5
Support for shadow dom
#30 opened by isidrok - 1
Hi, a small question
#48 opened by ladieman217 - 7
Consider support for hash-based routing
#27 opened by TJKoury - 4
- 0
Navaid with middleware support
#45 opened by kethan - 7
Any react or preact example?
#42 opened by kethan - 8
How to add go back action?
#43 opened by aryelgois - 2
404 if direct access to specific route.
#39 opened by pupubird - 2
Support for cancelling navigation?
#33 opened by germanftorres - 0
before / after handlers
#37 opened by benmccann - 2
svelte + snowpack + navaid
#35 opened by anonimusprogramus - 2
How to write in Async/Await style?
#32 opened by anonimusprogramus - 5
404 flashes on page refresh
#31 opened by jimafisk - 2
- 14
- 4
[RFC] Prevent routing to current path
#28 opened by lukeed - 18
- 2
Nested routes wildcard *
#24 opened by frederikhors - 4
Scroll to top after route()?
#23 opened by frederikhors - 16
Nested routes info and problem reproduction
#13 opened by frederikhors - 1
- 4
RFC: Multiple Navaid Instances?
#10 opened by lukeed - 0
Relative links aren't handled properly
#19 opened by arggh - 8
- 3
Render something during route import().
#16 opened by frederikhors - 1
"base" pattern, can I use named parameters?
#14 opened by frederikhors - 3
Query params
#9 opened by jacwright - 3
- 3
- 5
Allow for state params in pushState
#6 opened by cdock1029 - 1
Using for the first time with Svelte.
#4 opened by frederikhors - 3
Ignore and redirect external links
#3 opened by mythz - 2
Clear route array on .unlisten()
#1 opened by mini-eggs