
Reddit Mobile App Written In Kotlin with Firebase Auth

Primary LanguageKotlin

Reduke Logo

An android application built with Kotlin for my 4th Year, Semester 2 "Mobile App Dev 2" module for our continuous assessment.

Luke Halley


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Demo Videos



Technolgies Used

User Case Diagrams


Demo Videos

PLEASE NOTE: There are two demo videos, one which shows the Reduke App Functionality and a second video which shows the Espresso UI Tests

Demo Links:


Preferred Method: APK Install

Download the Reduke APK

Install the APK - Note: you shouldnt have any problem installing the app as its signed with a cert.

Other Method: Download Source and Install Via Android Studio

First clone the repo at the master branch down to your machine.

git clone https://github.com/lukehalley/reduke.git

Then open the project in Android Studio

Connect your device or start an emulator and run the app! 😃


Reduke V2 - Features added/improved/ to the second version of Reduke for assignment two.

  • Reddit Feed Features
    • Each user can either Upvote or Downvote a post (negative points allowed). When a post is voted on it tracks who placed the vote on the post which allows the app to keep of track of if the current use thas already voted.
    • The type of Post is used to in logic in the adapter to show/hide elements of the card to accommodate the type of post. This allows the app to use one design but display all the different types of posts in the feed while still maintaining a consistent design.
    • Post Title, Owner, Date Created, Votes, Subreddit, Comment Count can be seen on each card for each Post and are filled in with the data stored in the Firebase Real-time Database.
    • Changed editing of posts from a long press to a three button menu to improve UX.
  • Added Rich Preview Links
    • Used the RichLinkPreview by PonnamKarthik - library to show link previews in the cards for all link posts.
  • Subreddits
    • ExpandableListView in Nav Drawer with a list of Subreddits.
    • When a user clicks a subreddits the feed is filtered to only display posts which are within that subreddit.
  • Register and Login
    • Used the Glide CircleImageView library to display user image.
    • Added the option for the user to sign in user Google account using Google Sign In.
    • Used the users Google account email, username and profile picture to the top of the navigation drawer.
    • Using a Reduke placeholder for users logged in using Firebase Auth.
  • Persistence
    • Persisting Users using Firebase Authentication.
    • Persisting Posts using Firebase Real-time Database including the creation, reading, editing and deletion of them.
  • Your Posts
    • Nav Drawer item to allow to user see their only their own posts.
  • Image
    • Allow a user to take a picture from their phone camera.
    • Allow the user to select a picture from their phone's gallery.
  • Design/UX
    • Switched FAB Button To The Left To Improve UX.
    • Redesigned Login Activity To Accommodate Google Sign In.
    • Added Break Link To Login Activity To Separate Login to Register.
    • Refactored Post Card To Accommodate the 3 post types (previously on 1 design).
    • An improved general layout of cards to make them more uniform.
  • DX
    • Created methods for repetitive processes - eg. sortByNewest, sortByOldest etc...
    • All code commented to describe code.
    • Setup instructions in this README.
  • Animations
    • Tweaked when Animation for feed is played to improve UX.
  • Testing
    • Using Espresso UI with an Emulator to test the UI of reduke.
    • Using EspressoIdlingResource which allows testing of asynchronous functions in the Reduke app such as Login and Register.
    • Testing the Splashscreen.
    • Testing login for Firebase authentication with random user credentials.
  • Version Control
    • Issues - 28 total Issues were created to be used to track the task that needed to be done
    • Branches - a branch was created for each feature
    • Regular commits.
    • Dev branch used with merge requests to keep all code on Dev & Master working.
  • CRUD Features
    • Dynamic Edit/Update activity which shows/hides elements based on the type of the post the User is editing.
    • Link parsing validates the entered URL for a URL post. Adds an HTTPS if the URL doesn't include it.
  • Post Model Fields
    • link: the link associated with the linked post.
    • image: the image associated with the image post.
    • votes: number of votes the post has decided by users upvoting and downvoting the post.
    • subreddit: subreddit the post belongs too.
    • timestamp: the time the post was created.
  • Anko Selector
    • Used to allow the user to decide "What Type Of Post Do You Want To Create?" and select for the three three post types (text, image or link) and bring them to a dynamic create post activity which shows/hides elements based on the type of type of the post the User is creating.

Reduke V1 - Features added/improved/ to the first version of Reduke for assignment two.

  • Design
    • Custom Splashscreen created by me.
    • Navigation drawer, Floating Action Button (FAB), Flat Icons.
    • Current Users Email & Username shown in the sidebar.
    • Material Design - Flat and bright colours with a consistent app-wide colour scheme.
  • Animations
    • Posts fade in from the right when the posts are loaded or when they are sorted.
  • Reddit Feed Features
    • Scroll through all the posts created as a feed just like Reddit.
    • Upvote or Downvote a post.
    • Posts displayed in uniform cards.
  • Persistence
    • Persisting Users using Firebase.
    • Persisting Posts using JSON.
  • Version Control/GIT
    • Use of Issues to track task that needed to be done
    • Branches for each feature.
    • Regular commits.
    • Dev branch used with merge requests to keep all code on Dev & Master working.
  • Register and Login
    • Users stored and authenticated in the cloud using Firebase Authentication.
    • Password requires a double entry to ensure change is correct).
    • Empty field checking.
  • CRUD Features
    • Add a Post.
    • View/Read a Post.
    • Edit/Update a Post.
    • Delete Post.
  • User Model Fields
    • id: unique id of the user.
    • username: the username of the user.
    • email: the email of the user.
    • password: the password of the user.
  • Post Model Fields (Some not used - will be in next assignment)
    • id: unique id of the post.
    • postOwner: the user who created the post.
    • title: a title of the post.
    • text: body text of the post.
    • tags: tags set by the user set when created - EG: Question, Answer...
    • votes: number of votes the post has decided by users upvoting and downvoting the post.
    • subreddit: subreddit the post belongs too.
    • timestamp: the time the post was created.
    • upvotedBy: list of user emails who upvoted the post.
    • downvotedBy: list of user emails who downvoted the post.
    • Empty field checking when creating a Post.
  • Anko Pop Up Windows
    • Used in multiple areas such as logging out (are you sure you want to log out?) and when deleting a Post (are you sure you want to delete this Post?) etc...
  • Using SharedPreferences
    • Used for various logic and UI elements.

Technologies Used

  • Google Sign In
  • Firebase Authentication
  • Firebase Real-Time Database
  • Firebase Authentication
  • RichLinkPreview
  • Anko Commons
  • UI Automator
  • Espresso
  • Play Services Auth
  • JUnit
  • Apache Commons Text
  • CircleImageView
  • Glide
  • Picasso

UML Diagram
