
Convert MusicXML to PCM audio data.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

musicxml-to-pcm NPM version Build status

Convert MusicXML to PCM audio data.

Provides a simple interface for transforming a MusicXML document into a stream of sound samples, which can then be piped to other audio tools / programs (e.g. encoders).


Install the package with NPM:

$ npm install musicxml-to-pcm


A single method is exposed, newStream(xml, bitsPerSample, samplesPerSecond), that returns a readable stream emitting notes:

var musicXmlToPcm = require("musicxml-to-pcm");
var fs = require("fs");

var xml = fs.readFileSync("song.xml");
var bitsPerSample = 16;
var samplesPerSecond = 44100;

var stream = musicXmlToPcm.newStream(xml, bitsPerSample, samplesPerSecond);
stream.on("data", function(note) { console.log(note) });
stream.on("end", function() { console.log("Done!") });


A few packages that utilize this interface: