Tools for testing dsl;=) and monitoring jmx server GLOBALLY EXPIREMENTAL but useful ;) -TODO enhance all comments and headers -TODO refactoring for better design -TODO optimize Jmx getAttirbutes calls -TODO Nagios support to be tested -TODO BETTER Cummulative stats integration Monitoring are defined in a dsl in the jmx directory somes examples show closure use to rename or alter metric value ouptut Sample usage for the moment... For a group of monitoring file java -jar ./target/jmxstat-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar -server 127.0.01 -port 9004 -i1000 -k1 -f ./jmx/tomcat7-bio/ -csv For a single file java -jar ./target/jmxstat-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar -server 127.0.01 -port 9004 -i1000 -k1 -f ./jmx/tomcat7-bio/appstatus.groovy -csv Ex multi-format Column mode is genraly used for one or two file max you java -jar ./target/jmxstat-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar -server 127.0.01 -port 9004 -i1000 -k1 -f ./jmx-monitorings/tomcat7-bio/thread.groovy Csv mode ouptut for graphing use livegraph java -jar ./target/jmxstat-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar -server 127.0.01 -port 9004 -i1000 -k100 -f ./jmx-monitorings/tomcat7-bio/thread.groovy -csv Nagios ouptut REALLY EXPIRMENTAL java -jar ./target/jmxstat-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar -server 127.0.01 -port 9004 -i1000 -k1 -f ./jmx-monitorings/nagios/NagiosJvmStandard.groovy -m CUMULATIVE STATS EXPERIMENTAL java -jar ./target/jmxstat-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar -server 127.0.01 -port 9004 -i1000 -k1 -f ./jmx-monitorings/SampleTomcatStatsConnector.groovy -b