
Manipulate and compare versions in Javascript.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A lightweight version class to handle semantic version manipulation in Javascript.

License: MIT npm (scoped) CircleCI


To install run:

npm install version-js

And import by adding:

import Version from 'version-js';

Data Types

A Version object can be instantiated with either a Semantic Version string or an object with preformatted properties resembling a semantic version object.


let string = '3.2.1-beta.release+meta.data'

The formatted string must follow conventions outlined in the Semantic Version documentation. It may be preceeded by the character v which will be omitted when parsed.


let object = {
    major: 3, 
    minor: 2, 
    patch: 1, 
    prerelease: ['beta', 'release'], 
    metadata: ['meta', 'data']

The basic version object must follow the above format. Pre-release and metadata items should be set in an array.



A Version object can be instantiated like the following:

let version = new Version('3.2.1-beta.release+meta.data');


let version = new Version({
    major: 3, 
    minor: 2, 
    patch: 1, 
    prerelease: ['beta', 'release'], 
    metadata: ['meta', 'data']


As of now, a Version object's version levels can be modified like the following:

Add version level

// version.major = 3+1 = 4

Subtract version level

// version.major = 3-1 = 2

Set version level

// version.major = 10

The above mathematical operations accept an optional value parameter which allows for nonstandard version changing like the following:

// version.major = 2+5 = 7

The following methods are available for Version modification:

addMajor(value = 1); // Add to Major version
subMajor(value = 1); // Subtract from Major version
setMajor(); // Set Major version
addMinor(value = 1); // Add to Minor version
subMinor(value = 1); // Subtract from Minor version
setMinor(); // Set Minor version
addPatch(value = 1); // Add to Patch version
subPatch(value = 1); // Subtract from Patch version
setPatch(); // Set Patch version

All modifiers accept either a string or integer representation of a positive integer.


A Version object may be compared to another.

Assuming a second version2 object:

let version2 = new Version({
    major: 5, 
    minor: 4, 
    patch: 3, 
    prerelease: ['beta', 'release'], 
    metadata: ['meta', 'data']

We can determine if version is greater than version2:

version.isGreaterThan(version2);    //	False (3.2.1 << 5.4.3)

Or less than:

version.isLessThan(version2);   //	True (3.2.1 << 5.4.3)

Or equal to:

version.isEqualTo(version2, precise = false);   //	False (3.2.1 != 5.4.3)

Or less than or equal to:

version.isEqualOrLessThan(version2, precise = false);   //  True (3.2.1 << 5.4.3)

Or greater than or equal to:

version.isEqualOrGreaterThan(version2, precise = false);    //  False (3.2.1 << 5.4.3)

Note: isEqualTo(), isEqualOrLessThan() and isEqualOrGreaterThan() accept an optional second parameter precise which tells it to do a precise match when compared for equality. If precise = false (default) then the version will only be compared by Major, Minor and Patch values. If precise = true, the pre-release and metadata will also be evaluated (This would be considered a perfect match).


The version-js package is open-source software under the MIT License.