
Matlab scripts to read b-values and b-vectors from Siemens raw data (twix) files and DICOMs which work even for very large b-values.

Primary LanguageMATLABMozilla Public License 2.0MPL-2.0

Scripts to correct for B-matrix overflow

Matlab scripts to read b-values and b-vectors from Siemens raw data (twix) files and DICOMs which work even for very large b-values.

The scripts account for an integer overflow situation that can occur when b-values of more than about 16,000 s/mm2 are used. This is not usually achievable with Siemens product diffusion sequences as they seem to be limited to a maximum b-value of 10,000 s/mm2. However some user sequences (especially those installed on Connectom scanners) override this limitation in order to make best use of the possibilities of the scanner. b-values above about 49,000 s/mm2 will still have problems with integer overflow which these scripts will not be able to correct for.

For b-values from around 16,000 to 30,000 s/mm2 the main effect of this bug seems to be just a flip of the polarity of the affected vectors. This means that diffusion metrics are largely unaffected because conventional diffusion encoding does not encode polarity. However using the corrected vectors should improve eddy-current correction (using e.g. eddy) and thus improve data quality.


Read from folder containing DICOM files

readBvecsFromDicom('input_dicom_folder/', 'output_folder/', 'output_name');

will read in all the DICOM files in the input folder input_dicom_folder and write out the b-vectors and b-values to output_folder/output_name.bvec and output_folder/output_name.bval, respectively. It will also output the nominal b-values to output_folder/output_name_nominal.bval.


  • The input folder must only contain DICOM files.
  • The DICOM files in the input folder must correspond to only one acquisition, otherwise the b-vectors and b-values from multiple acquisitions would be concatenated.
  • If there are multiple files per volume (e.g. because the mosaic output option was not used on the scanner) then there will be one b-vector and b-value per image (slice) rather than per volume in the output files.
  • Acquisition order is not (currently) checked; it is assumed that this matches the order of the files returned by running dir on the input folder.
  • The Siemens CSA DICOM fields B_value, B_matrix, and DiffusionGradientDirection must be present in the DICOM files.
  • Due to differences in the definition of NIfTI and DICOM image spaces, the polarity of the output vectors may need to be flipped to use them to process NIfTI-converted data. This should be carefully checked by the user, e.g. by using dwigradcheck from MRtrix3 or through visual inspection of the output vector orientations from a DTI fit.

Optionally a 3×3 transformation matrix may be supplied which will rotate/flip the b-vectors before saving them. As an example, the following code would flip the second component of the b-vectors:

T = diag([1,-1,1]);
readBvecsFromDicom('input_dicom_folder/', 'output_folder/', 'output_name', T);

A convenience function transformForNifti is provided which takes a NIfTI file as input, and outputs a transformation matrix which takes the b-vectors from scanner space to NIfTI image space. It is assumed that the NIfTI file is from the same acquisition as the b-vectors and that the transform in the NIfTI file is the transform from scanner space to image space (i.e. no re-alignment has been performed).

Read from twix file

readBvecsFromTwix('input_twix_folder/input_twix_file.dat', 'output_folder/');

will read in the twix file input_twix_folder/input_twix_file.dat and write out the b-vectors and b-values of the last acquired line in each repetition to output_folder/input_twix_file.bvec and output_folder/input_twix_file.bval, respectively. It will also output the nominal b-values to output_folder/input_twix_file_nominal.bval.

You can alternatively provide an already generated twix object, for example:

twixobj = mapVBVD('input_twix_folder/input_twix_file.dat');
readBvecsFromTwix(twixobj, 'output_folder/');

which will do the same as the first example. This can be useful to avoid having to repeat reading in the twix object if it is already being used elsewhere in a script.


  • mapVBVD is used to read the twix file (see Dependencies below).
  • This script assumes that different diffusion encodings are indexed by the "repetition" index.
  • A transformation matrix may be supplied in the same way as in the DICOM example.

Read from MRD file

readBvecsFromMrd('input_mrd_folder/input_mrd_file.h5', 'output_folder/');

will read in the MRD file input_mrd_folder/input_mrd_file.h5 and write out the b-vectors and b-values of the last acquired line in each repetition to output_folder/input_mrd_file.bvec and output_folder/input_mrd_file.bval, respectively. It will also output the nominal b-values to output_folder/input_mrd_file_nominal.bval.

You can alternatively provide an already generated MRD object, for example:

mrd = ismrmrd.Dataset('input_mrd_folder/input_mrd_file.h5', 'dataset');
readBvecsFromMrd(mrd, 'output_folder/');

which will do the same as the first example. This can be useful to avoid having to repeat reading in the MRD file if it is already being used elsewhere in a script.


  • The Matlab implementation of MRD from the ISMRMRD repository is used to read the file.
  • This script assumes that different diffusion encodings are indexed by the "repetition" index.
  • A transformation matrix may be supplied in the same way as in the DICOM example.


Using git

First navigate to an appropriate directory and then run:

git clone https://github.com/lukeje/correctBmatrixOverflow

The folder correctBmatrixOverflow should then be added to your Matlab path.

If you want to read in b-vectors and -values from twix files or MRD files, then you will also need to install mapVBVD or ISMRMRD, respectively. For convenience, these have been added as git submodules which can be installed by running

cd correctBmatrixOverflow
git submodule update --init

after cloning the correctBmatrixOverflow repository. You will then need to additionally add the subfolder mapVBVD or ismrmd/matlab to your Matlab path.

As a zip file

The code can be downloaded as a zip file. After unzipping the code to an appropriate directory, the folder correctBmatrixOverflow-main should then be added to your Matlab path.

If you want to read in b-vectors and -values from twix or MRD files, then you will need to manually install mapVBVD or ISMRMRD and add the appropriate folders to your Matlab path.


readBvecsFromDicom requires the Matlab image processing toolbox.

readBvecsFromTwix requires mapVBVD to be on the Matlab path in order to read b-vectors and -values from Siemens twix files.

readBvecsFromMrd requires the matlab folder from the ISMRMRD repository to be on the Matlab path in order to read b-vectors and -values from MRD files derived from Siemens diffusion sequences.

Current status

  • These scripts have only been tested on data from a Siemens Connectom scanner with software version VD11, where they were found to be able to correct the b-vectors measured at a b-value of 30,450 s/mm2.
  • Different software versions and sequences may differ in the information contained in the twix, MRD and DICOM headers, and therefore not work.
  • The diffusion vector information is only likely to be present in the expected part of the header if "free" mode is used for the diffusion vectors.
  • It is the responsibility of the user to check that the results of using these scripts are sensible.