UpIoT Device Node (nRF52833)

Device based on Nordic BLE SDK and LoraWan SDK to provides diverse communication in different distances.

SDK Name Upstream Version Local Path
Nordic BLE Stack nRF5_SDK_17.0.2_d674dde sdk/nrf
LoRaWan b7e170c(2020/11/16) sdk/LoRaMac

1 Hardware Kit

Please found more at here

2. Getting Start

2.1 Set Development Environment

  • Install Visual Studio Code
  • Install plugins at .vscode/extensions.json automatically or by manual from Visual Studio Marketplace:
    • GNU Arm embedded toolchain for Windows, and set binary path to environment variable for examle C:\Users\bluew\.vscode\extensions\metalcode-eu.windows-arm-none-eabi-0.1.6\arm-none-eabi\bin (Note: please use your path with your account name.)
    • Cortex-Debug
  • J-Link Software and Documentation pack
  • nRF5x-Command-Line-Tools, and set binary path to environmetn variable for example C:\Program Files (x86)\Nordic Semiconductor\nrf-command-line-tools\bin (Note: please use your path with your account name.)
  • Download Latest GNU Arm Embedded Toolchain, extract and copy to the folder of vscode plugin - "GNU Arm embedded toolchain", for example C:\Users\bluew\.vscode\extensions\metalcode-eu.windows-arm-none-eabi-0.1.6\arm-none-eabi\bin (Note: please use your path with your account name.)

2.2 Launch Tasks: Build and Flash

All tasks are put into .vscode/tasks.json file include build/clean firmware, download softdevice/flash etc.

  • In vscode IDE, press "ctrl + shift + B" to launch task list as follows:

  • Select a task such as "build firmware".
  • Select an app name like "ble_app_hrs_nfc_pairing".

NOTE: All apps are put at folder apps

NOTE: Normally, you need build firmware->erase firmware->download softdevice->download flash.

2.3 View log from Jlink RTTViewer

  • Set NRF_LOG_BACKEND_RTT_ENABLED to 1 at //config/sdk_config.h
  • Rebuild application, and download flash
  • Launch "JLink RTT Viewer", and select the target to "nRF52833_xxAA"

2.4 Debug

The debug configure is at .vscode/launch.json.

3 Reference