
Ring my R2D2 phone.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Ring my R2D2 phone.

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Here's how I have this running currently, future Luke:


On development machine:

  1. Login to ghcr.io registry:

    gh token | docker login ghcr.io -u lukekarrys --password-stdin
  2. Build and push new image:


On server:

  1. Pull latest image

    docker pull ghcr.io/lukekarrys/r2d2
  2. Stop and remove container

    docker stop r2d2
    docker rm r2d2
  3. Run container

    docker run -d --restart=always -p 5038:5038/tcp -p 5060:5060/udp -p 8000:8000/tcp --name r2d2 -e ADMIN_USER=<USER> -e ADMIN_SECRET=<SECRET> ghcr.io/lukekarrys/r2d2

Env Vars


Configure and Run Docker Container

./run.sh # ./run.sh --interactive locally to debug stuff


This connects directly to the Asterisk Manager Interface running inside the Docker container:

npx @lukekarrys/r2d2@latest -h $HOST -u USERNAME -p PASSWORD


Send a POST request to port 8000 on the Docker container with a username and password:

curl $HOST:8000/call -X POST -d "username=USERNAME&password=PASSWORD"

If you only want to be able to hit it via this URL, you can not expose port 5038 in the Dockerfile and run.sh script. The server and AMI are running in the same container.

Obihai Setup

Server server instructions

SIP sip instructions


I originally wrote this in 2014 (see the blog post). I wanted to get it working again, so now it's a Docker container and CLI that can be run via npx.