
🗂 A minimalist, informative vim tabline configuration.

Primary LanguageVim Script


Vim plugin providing a simple black-and-white "tabline" that looks something like this:

··· 2|file2.ext [+]  3|file3.ext  4|·ry_long_file_name.e· [!]  5|file5.ext [~][:] ···

Each tab title is determined as follows:

  • The "main" file name is always used, i.e. the first window in the tab whose filetype is not present in g:tabline_skip_filetypes (default ['diff', 'help', 'man', 'qf']). The directory is always omitted.
  • If the file name has more than g:tabline_maxlength characters (default 13), the tab title is truncated and the ends are replaced with ·.
  • If there are too many tabs open for the window width, the leading and trailing tab titles surrounding the current tab are truncated and replaced with ···.
  • If the "main" file buffer has been modified since the file was last saved, a [+] is appended to the tab title (similar to the default behavior).
  • If the "main" file was changed on the disk since it was last loaded into the buffer, a [!] is appended to the tab title (uses au FileChangedShell).
  • If the "main" file is in a git repository and has unstaged changes, a [~] is appended to the tab title (uses au User FugitiveChanged).
  • If the "main" file is in a git repository and has uncommitted staged changes, a [:] is appended to the tab title (uses au User FugitiveChanged).

The staged changes flag [~] requires the plugins vim-fugitive and vim-gitgutter.


Install with your favorite plugin manager. I highly recommend the vim-plug manager. To install with vim-plug, add

Plug 'lukelbd/vim-tabline'

to your ~/.vimrc.