
Website to explore Choice Neighborhoods in the Boston area

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Website to explore Choice Neighborhoods in the Boston area.

Build Status


While Docker is the preferred development environment, steps for running directly on host are available for Mac users as a result of issue #49.

To run within a Docker container:

  • Docker Engine 17.06+
  • Docker Compose 1.6+

To run directly:

  • nvm to manage Node versions on your machine
  • yvm to manage Yarn versions for package management


To start developing, create a set of Taui environment variables for development:

$ cp taui/configurations/default/env.yml.tmp taui/configurations/default/env.yml

Make sure to edit env.yml to set the appropriate secrets for development.

Next, move the AWS Amplify JavaScript configuration for the staging environment into the Taui source code:

$ cp deployment/amplify/staging/src/aws-exports.js taui/src/aws-exports.js

Optional step for local deployment

To deploy or manage deployment resources, on your host machine you will need to set up an echo-locator profile for the AWS account using the following command:

$ aws configure --profile echo-locator

Running with Docker

Finally, use the server script to build container images, compile frontend assets, and run a development server:

$ ./scripts/server

Running directly

  • Make sure you have nvm and yvm installed (see links in Requirements)
  • cd taui
  • Specify Yarn and Node versions: Run nvm use and yvm use(you may need to run nvm install or yvm install first if you see error messages that the appropriate versions are not installed).
  • Install packages: yarn install
  • Build and run development server: yarn start

Navigate to http://localhost:9966 to view the development environment.


This project uses scripts-to-rule-them-all to bootstrap, test, and maintain projects consistently across all teams. Below is a quick explanation for the specific usage of each script.

Script Use
bootstrap Pull down secrets from S3
infra Execute Terraform subcommands with remote state management
manage Issue Django management commands
server Start the frontend and backend services
setup Setup the project development environment
test Run linters and tests
update Update project, assemble, run migrations

Creating a staff user account

From the project directory, run:

./scripts/manage createsuperuser

Fill out the prompts for a username, email, and password.

Logging In




Navigate to http://localhost:9966 and log in using staging credentials. From there, you can make a Client ID by entering and searching for a random 6-8 digit number, then making a new profile.


Navigate to http://localhost:8085/admin and login with your credentials created through the createsuperuser command above.


In the neighborhood_data directory are data sources and management scripts to transform them. The app uses two GeoJSON files generated by the scripts for neighborhood point and bounds data.

The two expected source files are:

  • neighborhoods.csv
  • neighborhood_descriptions.csv

Both contain zip code fields, which should be unique and appear in both files.

To run the data processing scripts and copy the output into the app directory:

  • cd neighborhood_data
  • ./update_data.sh

The downloaded thumbnail images need to be deployed separately from the other app data. To publish the neighborhood thumbnail images:

`./scripts/imagepublish ENVIRONMENT`

where ENVIRONMENT is either staging or production.

About the data processing scripts

The ecc_neighborhoods.csv file is the primary source file for data on the neighborhoods, organized by zip code. non_ecc_max_subsidies.csv also contains non-ECC zipcodes, but does not contain the additional fields in ecc_neighborhoods.csv. The add_non_ecc.py script combines the two into neighborhoods.csv. The add_zcta_centroids.py script downloads Census Zip Code Tabulation Area (ZCTA) data, looks up the zip codes from neighborhoods.csv, and writes two files. One is neighborhood_centroids.csv, which is the input file content with two new columns added for the coordiates of the matching ZCTA's centroid (approximate center). The other is neighborhood_bounds.json, a GeoJSON file of the bounds of the ZCTAs marked as ECC in neighborhoods.csv.

The fetch_images.py script downloads metadata for and thumbnail versions of the image fields in neighborhood_descriptions.csv and appends fields with the metadata (to be used for attribution) to neighborhood_extended_descriptions.csv. This script only needs to be run if the images or their metadata need updating.

The generate_neighborhood_json.py script expects the add_non_ecc, add_zcta_centroids.py, and fetch_images.py scripts to have already been run. It transforms the neighborhood_centroids.csv data into GeoJSON, appends the description and image-related fields from neighborhood_extended_descriptions.csv, and writes the results to neighborhoods.json.


Run linters and tests with the test script:

$ ./scripts/test


CI will deploy frontend assets to staging on commits to the develop branch, and will deploy to production on commits to the master branch.

For instructions on how to update core infrastructure, see the README in the deployment directory.

Note that the neighborhood thumbnail images are not deployed by CI, but need to be pushed manually after running the data processing script fetch_images.py that downloads them. See the data section for more information.