

This is a movies collections page that shows images of movies, displaying the title and descriptions and movie genres.

  1. Click on the images of movies to direct to details page. Title, Descriptions, genres will be displayed.
  2. Click on "Back Home" to go back to main page.
  3. Click on "Add Movie" to add new movie to database.
  4. Once in edit page, Click on "Back Home" to go back to main page.
  5. Click on "Cancel" to return to details page for the selected movie.
  6. Input title, poster directory, Description and select genre and click "Add Movie".

Screen Shot


This is a weekend solo project that created a full stack web page with react, graphql-apollo, graphql, material-UI, node, express, mongoose using mongoDB database.

  1. graphql Query request renders database resources.
  2. graphql Mutation request to add movie's title, poster, description and genre to database.

email me for any other questions @