Base Mode

  • Fork this repo
  • You will store your responses to the exercise questions in the database.sql file. NOTE: This is merely a text file with a .sql extension.
  • For each question in the database.sql file, write the SQL query that answers the question, below that comment.

Example question and answer

-- 0. How do you get all users?
SELECT * FROM accounts;

Stretch Goal Questions

  1. Anthony moved to Santa Fe. Update his location in the table. UPDATE
  2. Grace closed her account. Remove her from the database.
  3. Travis made a withdrawal of $20,000. What's their new balance? NOTE: Research RETURNING
  4. The Bank needs to track last names. NOTE: Research ALTER TABLE
  5. What is the total amount of money held by the bank? NOTE: Research SUM
  6. What is the total amount of money held by the bank at each location? NOTE: Research GROUP BY